Chapter 2

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"There! I'm ready for the new day!" I placed on the necklace Commander Erwin had gave me around my neck.

I have to say...It's very beautiful and it brings out my dark brown eyes.

In the reflection of my mirror I was able to see the bouquet of flowers he gave me.

I had put them in water and placed it on the table next to my window. My Survey Corps jacket was hanging on my door so I grabbed it and began to walk out to the mess hall.

Just to my luck I caught Petra down the hall.

"Hey Petra!!" I waved and ran up to her. You were able to hear the clicking of my boots on the hard surface.

"Hi Scarlet. I was just heading down to the breakfast hall to greet the newbies. Want to come?" Even with Titans out there in the world she was still cheerful.

I nodded, "Yeah I guess. Then I'n just going to take my breakfast and eat it in the courtyard. And talk to my trusty companion Gideon!"

Petra let out a small laugh as her brown hair swayed as she walked, "You and that horse! You can't stop talking about him."

Yeah just like you can't stop talking about Levi.

When we got into the breakfast hall we were greatest by all the newbies. Petra and I greeted them and I explained how they will be left with Squad Leader Hanji.

"Corporal Wentz! Will you be training us tomorrow for our expedition?" Christa Lenz stood up and looked at me.

I admit I have to give that girl props. At first I thought she was going to join the Military Police because she seemed so fragile and afraid.

"Yes I will. So just obey Squad Leader Hanji's commands. But you can say no if she wants to experiment on you." I let out a laugh and grabbed my breakfast bringing it out to the courtyard.

Erwin's P.O.V.

My office for today had a view of the courtyard where I would be able to see all the horses and the trainees.

Right now I was sitting in my office, waiting for Scarlet, even though she may not come for another hour...

"Commander. I have your breakfast." Just what I needed. A boy from the Garrisson ruining my chances of running into Scarlet at the breakfast hall.

"Set it on the table by the window and then get back to work." I said sternly not looking away from my work.

I was able to smell the porridge and bread from it.

Once the door closed I set my papers down an then walked over to the food. I picked up my loaf of bread and looked out the window, "Such blue skies with horrid creatures below..."

A female figure caught my eye though. It was a girl with ling black hair and a survey corps uniform. When she turned around I noticed those beautiful eyes... It was Scarlet. She was sitting by her horse eating her breakfast.

Such beauty...

I leaned against the window frame staring down at her eating. She made it seem like there was all the time in the world. As if there was nothing wrong with the world.

That's another thing I like about her.

But then she suddenly got up and walked back into the HQ with her tray. Was she coming up here? Was she going to meet me already?

Scarlet's P.O.V.

There...I finished my breakfast. I guess it's time to go meet the Commander now.

As I made my way towards the stairs I notice Oluo on the ground with Petra standing next to him. Oluo had his hands over his mouth and Petra had the look on her face where she seemed annoyed.

Must've been trying to talk like Levi...annoying Petra...and cut your tongue.

I laughed to myself and made my way up the stairs to the Commander's office.

Every time I passed a window I saw the newbies training with Hanji-San. They don't look too happy...

In fact the look more creeped out. Christa is hiding behind Ymir and Jean has a weird look on his face.

Oh they better get used to that.

I chuckled and walked up onto the floor that Commander was on. But what could he possibly want to see me for? We have never personally talked like this but I have seen him in person before.

I stood in front of his door and knocked hoping he was there. After all, he did tell me to come visit him whenever today.

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