The Patient's Talk

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Dexter's POV:

   " We miss you too Hunter. " I smiled as the doctor headed to leave. Possibly to check on another patient. " How are you?"

   Hunter stared at the two of us, he looked confused. Then he tugged on one of the tubes that came from his vein. He didn't winch or flinch of pain. I was surprised, if that was me I would've cried.

   " I mean, I'm okay. Probably until I hear some bad news." he laughed to himself. None of us laughed, the two of us stayed still. He smiled to us like nothing happened. Suddenly, his eyes widened up like an idea popped in his mind.

" Scratch that what I said. How's Ashlynn? Is she alright?" he asked. I could tell that he was so worried.

I looked at Hopper and he looked at me. Then I looked at Hunter. Then, at both of my best friends.

" Well, she said that she was coming-"

" Oh, I know." Hunter cut in. " She already did. In fact, she was the first one today. You two were the second."

" Then why are you asking us about her. Haven't she told you?" Hopper questioned.

" I asked, but she didn't tell me anything about her. But I could sense that she isn't alright. I think she hid it away from me because the doctor told her to not tell anything negative to me." Hunter tugged onto his sheets and pulled them all the way up to his chest. " I'm worried sick, and that's not a pun, seriously this time."

" Does she know?" he made an expression that could easily lead us into telling him. My hands shook, what should I do?"

" Hunter, she knows. But she also knows that you did it to defend me." I replied scared for what was going to happen next.

Hunter sank into his hospital bed sheets. He sighed the artificial air that was pumped into his lungs deeply. He closed his eyes. A lump got caught in my throat as I tried to swallow it. What was happening?

" H-H-Hunter?" I said as Hopper and I started to shake him roughly. But he didn't wake up. We keep shaking and shaking, but he stayed motionless. We were both scared.

" Hunter!!!" Hopper screamed just like when he got hairspray in his eye. The Bostonian nurse came in.

" What's going on here!" she pushed us out of the way. She saw Hunter passed out and scolded at us.

" Doctor!" she called out as he raced in. He also scolded at us and demanded us to get out. So we did.

   I tried to look back to see if Hunter was okay, but they had already shut the door. Leaving Hopper and I, nowhere else to go.

But back home....

Alistair's POV:

   After walking with Bunny to her dorm room, we made plans that we would hangout at the chess club gazebo where we first kiss at six. We both kissed goodbye and I headed down the halls with nothing to do for a while.

   As I walked down, I saw the most strangest sight of all time. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing this correctly and I didn't need glasses. But I saw the same sight.

   Chase and Daring were shaking hands and Darling was right beside them. Was this some kind of brother-in-law therapy session hosted by Darling? I didn't know, but I was going to find out. I wonder if she was giving out lollipops.

I walked towards the two and interrupted their conversation. And that my friends, is phase one.

" Oh, hey guys...what's going on?" I asked.

" Alistair, we both figured out something." Chase said. " If we continue this feud, then one of us will end up like Hunter."

" On the edge of their lives." Daring said.

" What do you mean...the edge of their life? Hunter is just fine." I replied. Since when did this happen?

" Didn't you hear? Hunter got shot." I widened my eyes as Chase told me.

" He got shot?! By who?" I asked. I stayed too long in La-La Wonderland. I need to catch up with the news. Poor Hunter.

" Sparrow." Daring growled.

" Well, we can't just stand around here! We gotta do something about it! Did he run away?" I spluttered, I was furious.

" Once he pulled the trigger he ran for his life." Chase replied.

" We have to do something about it! We'll chase him down-no! We'll do a rumble against his hangout! I bet he's there! We'll win and he'll have no choice but to turn himself in!"

" I like the first idea better...but, who doesn't like a good rumble?" Darling stated. " I have some sharp weapons like some pocket knifes."

" I'm feeling like doing some good old punching. No weapons allowed." Chase cracked his fists. " If they do have weapons, we'll use the knifes as defense only."

" Sounds awesome!" Darling cracked her knuckles and her wrist. " Can't wait! When should we do it?"

" Maybe tomorrow night, after we visit Hunter in the hospital." Daring said. " But you're not going Darling."

" What?! Are you out of your mind?!" Darling exclaimed in disappointment.

" You're the one out of your mind. It's too dangerous for a princess like you." Daring replied. " Leave it for the heroes."

" What?! You gotta be kidding me Daring! I proved to everyone that I could be a hero when I fought you...and won!" Darling screamed.

" That's nothing!" Daring snapped back. " They're much worse."

" I can't believe you! All I have done..." Darling stormed away.

" Darling!" Chase ran after her. I ran after him. But first I looked at Daring.

" Why won't you just let her go?" I asked. " She could be a great help."

" You heard me," he replied. " it's too dangerous."

" But not too dangerous like fighting against a dragon." I said, then I ran after the two. I turned back as Daring started to head towards his dorm room, possibly.

Hey everybody! Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope that you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment! See you in the next chapter! See ya!

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