As I Stepped Into The Light

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  Dexter's POV:

    As I stepped into the light and out of the darkness of the Multi-Hex theater, I had two things in mind: Paul Hex and a ride home.

    I'm Dexter Charming, son of King Charming, brother to Darling and Daring Charming. I was wishing that I looked like Paul Hex--he looks tough and handsome than I would ever be--but I guess my own looks are good. I have clear ocean eyes hidden behind thick black frames and gelled-on brown hair styled into a more modern look.

    But I do wish that I looked more like my brother, Daring. My sister Darling said that I'm perfect the way I was. But still, with good looks such as Daring's, one could swoon any girl on the block. With the clearest blue eyes anyone has ever seen, and Daring's hair was sweet sweet blonde. Messy, but blonde. Everyone likes a blonde.

   As I walked down Book End towards Ever After High, I turned my head to the right to see no companion by my side. I sure wished that Hunter or Hopper would have came with me to Multi-Hex, but the two said they were busy. Hopper had some business to attend at the Student Council while Hunter was all the way back at his home managing since his father seemed to grow ill and his sister had no one to take care of her.

   Hunter and Hopper were the only two who seemed to understand me the most. They always seemed to give in attention to the arts. Hopper always opens up when we're talking about the newest book of the Fairy Potter, Hex Games or any prize winning series. Hopper also likes to help me with hard Storytelling 101 homework and share his own poems. Hunter and I sometimes talk about our opinions on some movies we have watched together. Sometimes when we're not busy with other things such as school and football, Hunter likes to whisk me away to one of the best..and secret nature routes of the Enchanted Forest.

   Hopper is the son of the Frog Prince.  He has cherry-reddish hair blended with the most eye-catching green eyes along with freckles speckled upon his cheeks. He's more shy than a sheep with none of it's wool. Which is horrible for his amazing poetic talent and for trying to confess to Briar about his feelings. He's lightly buffed upon his body. Hunter's the son of the Huntsman. He has sharp brown hair all grown, even though it was used to be shaved to the side before. It was quite shocking when I saw him in the first day of school after a whole summer not seeing him. He has the most built-in body that I ever seen, which makes sense since his family owns farmland. He has twinkling warm brown eyes, but he wishes that he could have green eyes like Hopper since he thinks that brown eyes are boring and dull. I caught Hunter once pretending to be jealous while he was talking to Hopper. He sometimes can be a jokester, which is really shocking.

    I stopped as I heard a shout, I swiftly turned around with a cold shiver zapping down my spine. As I turned I found a familiar redhead and his gang. Sparrow.

   " Hey!" Sparrow shouted once again. His boys stood tall and behind him with a muscular body ready to smash smash me. Sparrow walked closer as a smirk plastered upon his face.

    " What's a four-eyed loser like you doing alone in Book End?" he snarled. His band gang laughed like sore ass jerks coming straight from a beer scented corner in the Dark Forest.

    " None of your business." I snapped.

    " You're right, it is none of my business. The outside doesn't matter. It's the inside that counts." he smirked as he pulled out a small pocket knife and held it against my neck. Cold sweat swelled against my forehead.

    " Leave the boy alone Sparrow." a voice called out. I looked behind us and found Hunter crossing his built arms. " You bigass cracker."

    Hunter walked up close and snatched Sparrow by the collar and growled softly. His eyes glared like a lion ready to snatch his prey.

    " What the hell do want to do with Dexter anyway? He's got nothing in his poor little pockets. I don't know why he's even carrying them." Hunter joked. I laughed quietly. I knew that it was all part of his plan. Hunter released Sparrow's collar and whispered in his ear. " Leave."

    Sparrow and his gang left. A few swore and started to curse Hunter out, but Hunter just gave them the middle finger.

    " Come on Dex, let's get outta here." Hunter said as he patted my back motioning me to leave with him. "Thank goodness I came just in the nick of time."

    " Thank goodness you did. I thought you were at your father's place." I said.

    " He got better..sooner than I'd expected. But thank goodness for that." Hunter smiled.

    " Whatcha doing here all alone?" Hunter asked looking concerned.

    " Watching a the Multi-Hex." I mumbled. Hunter doesn't like it one bit when I went to a place alone. There was this one time he snapped at Daring because he didn't look out for me when a few guys were pushing me around while Hunter's father had gotten ill. Hunter's face had burned red with anger.

   " Why didn't you ask Hopper to go with you?" Hunter asked.

   " Busy with Student Council. But's it's okay Hunter, I can take care of myself." I replied.

   " I know that." Hunter smiled as he ruffled my brown hair. " I just don't want you to get hurt like I did."

   " I know." I said giving him a side hug. " But hey, let's just forget what happened and let me help you settle in."

   " Sounds good." Hunter agreed. " We have lots of packing to do. "

Hey everybody! I can't believe I started my seventh book! I'm so excited for this book because I've been meaning to do this for a long time! See you in the next chapter! See ya!

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