Castleteria Chaos

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Alistair's POV:

" No problem bro, no problem at all." I said patting my friend's back. He looked at me and we both make our secret handshake.

I always felt closer to Chase, he was my buddy and I was his. We were two peas in a pod, never to be separated. Even when the rest of our group came into play.

I kinda wish that I had more time with Chase. To me, he was my only friend. He listened to me when I had problems, he always knew how to make me feel better, and he always had an adventure within his imagination. Unlike the rest of the group.

At least Dexter tries to understand, and that's speaking a lot. Hopper seems like an introvert to make a friendship. Hunter occasionally opens up to me and we sometimes have small conversations, but nothing major. Daring, well, I don't know.

And speak of the devils, here they come.

" Hey guys!" Hunter exclaimed as he shook Chase's hand and mine.

   " Hey." I replied, but not as loud. Luckily, Hunter heard me as he gave me smile.

    " So," Daring slammed his hand on the hard wooden castle-teria table and looked at Chase straight on the eye. "we  need to talk...about last night."

   " It wasn't Chase's fault, something made him mad. Right Chase?" I spat out defending my friend. I didn't like Daring, he was like Sparrow, but a snobby rich-ass.

   " Right. Sparrow kept harassing Darling-" Chase was interrupted by another voice, sweet and melodious. Darling.

    " Hey boys!" we all turned around to see Darling waving as she walked towards us. Ever since the two dated, she always sat with us. We didn't mind really, in fact, Darling was the one who usually cut out the cold silence between Chase and Daring.

" Hey Darling!" we waved back as she reached us and sat next to Chase and gave him a peck on the cheek.

" Hi babe." Darling gave another kiss.

" Hey." Chase pecked her cheek then they both smiled at each other. But at the corner of my eye, I could see Daring glaring at the two with his cold looks. The others just smiled happily for the two.

   " So, what are you guys talking about?" she asked. An awkward silence shushed the whole table. I shut off my phone and stuffed it in my jacket's pocket.

   " Last night." Daring mumbled, I could sense someone slapping their face. I turned to see Hunter's head buried in his hand. Dexter and Hopper tried to warn Daring but he ignored them.

" Look Daring," Darling stood up with her palms still touching the table. " I was being harassed alright? And Chase helped me."

" Why couldn't you save yourself?" Daring huffed. " Aren't you usually say that you're a ' hero not a damsel'?"

" I tried, but I needed help. Sometimes heroes themselves need help." she snapped. " Have you ever heard of side-kicks?"

" I don't care, he's trouble." Daring pointed at Chase. He sat there in silence, not even moving a muscle.

" Well, he's not. He's my boyfriend and he's anything I could ask for. He's kind, brave, and independent." Darling replied as she sat back down. " Unlike you, who gets drunk every two seconds."

The table went into silence. I never seen anyone talk back at Daring before. Where was the bag of popcorn where I needed it? And before I could make some, Dexter stood up.

" She's right you know." Dexter spoke up. " You seem to only care about yourself."

    " And why do you say that?" Daring snapped.

" You just let me get pushed around by don't doing anything about it. I thought you were my brother, I thought that you were there to stand up for
me and Darling. I guess I was wrong." Dexter snapped. " You only use me as an excuse..."

Dexter went up to Daring and grabbed him forcefully by the collar. Then he shoved him to a corner and blocked him from us. We were all too afraid to move.

I looked at Chase who froze and Hopper did the same thing. Darling stood up but she also stayed while Hunter did the same thing. I, just stayed were I was only shifting to the right.

My heart pumped chunks of blood. And soon, the whole castle-teria stopped their business to stare at the two brothers.

I turned around to see no one moving. I saw Duchess snickering with Faybelle at a corner. Sparrow crossed his arms. Blondie was sneaking out her mirror-pad to record what was happening. I could sense her tapping the record button. Apple was shocked as she shook her head for her "true love". It seemed like she was about to fake cry. Her friends tried to calm her down.

" Should we stop him?" I whispered to Darling who stood across from me.

" I don't know..." Darling replied. " I never seen Dexter do this before."

    " I think we should leave him." Hunter spoke quietly.  " Maybe he won't do anything."

     " What if he does?" I replied. " I'm scared."

    " Don't worry Alistair. Dexter isn't  harmful." Chase assured me. " He wouldn't do such a thing. But if he does, we'll make sure he won't hurt anyone."

    We all stood up ready to see what Dexter was gonna do. He stood and glared at Daring. I sensed that he was going to strike at him. I didn't want Dexter to hurt anyone, even if it meant Daring was going to get beat.

Dexter's POV:

    I held my brother's collar as I slammed him into a corner of the castle-teria. The whole room was quiet and not a sound was heard. I sensed that everyone was watching me. Watching every step I would make to the precious popular boy.

    But I didn't care, Daring was about to learn from his mistakes. I was telling him that what he did was wrong. I was going to give him a new perspective. Not only for me, for my sister too. I wanted him to hear me out. And now was the perfect time.

I glared at my brother, he looked at me with fear striking his eyes. He was shocked and he looked scared.

" Why Daring?!" I closed in on his ear and whispered. He didn't reply, instead he breathed heavily. It wasn't usual for me to slam Daring in a corner.

    " Look-" he started to say but I interrupted him.

     " That's what I thought." I said as I shoved him to the right.

    " Daring, you need to start caring for others instead of yourself. Because if you don't, then they're not going to be there for you when you make mistakes." I grabbed his collar once again.

     I clenched my hands together. I was about to give a swing until someone pushed me away and I felt my hand hit their face. And when I finally got a glance, I gasped.

    It was Chase.....

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this chapter! The next one might come soon so stay tuned! See ya!


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