The Dance Part 2

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Dexter's POV:

    The three of us reach the entrance of the Red Shoe Dance Ballroom where the party was being attended. As we went in, many people at the entrance greeted us. The entrance was fulfilled with red and gold streamers along with other decorations. When we were getting ready, Hopper told up that it was for a destiny celebration. Everyone was celebrating Raven's defeating of the Evil Queen who trapped her in the mirror-prison once again.

    As I went for a drink at the food bar, I saw Raven and Cupid talking to each other having a great time. The two were really good friends of mine. I figured I would go on over there. Raven was daughter of the Evil Queen while Cupid was the adopted daughter of Eros, the Greek God of Love.

   " Hey girls." I smiled as I walked up to then holding a refreshment in one of the party's little glasses.

   " Oh hi Dex!" Cupid greeted excitedly. Her pink curls bounced. Raven waved quietly as she smiled.

   " Enjoying the party?" I asked as I took a sip of the tasty juice. The cold refreshing liquid trickled down as it hit my tongue with a strawberry-lemon kick.

   " Sure, I heard that Daring got back with Apple again." Raven gossiped. It was quite unusual for her to talk about her friends. But I could see that she was having a good time. It beats being locked up in a dorm watching Hexflix.

    " Yeah." I replied. " It's true."

    " I just don't see how everyone thinks he's hot." Cupid added in. " He's just like the rest of the guys."

   " Well, " I responded ready to oppose. I kinda got offended by it since she was talking about my friends. " the guys are really different when you get to meet them."

   " That's true. But still, my interests of a guy is that he's smart, a bit shy but it's adorable, and he is very honest. Can't forget about honesty." Cupid joked. We all chuckled at her statement.

   " Now you sound like Cedar." Raven laughed.

   " That's no lie." I joked back. " What about you Raven?"

   " I don't know really, I just want to write my destiny out first. For me, I don't care if it's a he or a she." Raven said.

   " Aw." Cupid sighed. " Bisexual love. Love it!"

   " Hey guys!" a voice called out. We turned around to find Cerise. She was the daughter of the Little Red Riding Hood.

    " Hey Cerise!" we all replied with a smile.

    " Enjoying the party?" she asked. We talked for a while until someone showed up with a cracked smile plastered upon his face. Daring...why?

   " Hello ladies!" Daring shouted with a slurry voice. It sounded like he was drunk...again.

   " Is he okay?" Cerise whispered in my ear. She sounded concerned as she brushed her white and brown hair forward. She soon gave a small jump as Daring slid his arm slowly around her waist, right above the bottom, only about one inch away. " I didn't knew there were alcohol. "

    " Daring...where's Apple?" I asked.

    " With her gals...having fun..." he answered like he just gotten shook. "while I talk to this hottie girl...damn."

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