Therapy With Hunter

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Hunter's POV:

I was taking Chase to the nurse as Darling tagged along. I looked behind and Daring just stood there like a frozen statue in the middle of vast snowy valleys. But I wouldn't blame him, I was also shocked at what happened. In fact, I was speechless, I didn't speak at all.

I turned back around as we reached the nurse's office. I seated Chase on one of the waiting areas of the nurse's wing, then I left them two alone. I didn't say a word since I wasn't done yet. I was going to talk to Dexter.

I had a mission to do and I wasn't to dili-dali at all, nothing was going to stop me from talking to Dexter. He needed serious help and I was going to help him.

" Thanks Hunter..." Chase mumbled. I turned around slowly.

" No problem." I replied softly. " I gotta go now, something's wrong with Dexter and I want to help him."

" Be careful with him." Darling warned.

" No need to worry Darling. I'm a professional with animals, I'm sure that my friend will be a piece of cake." I said as I saw a food cart, cake. There was cake on the chart. I walked towards the chart and got two slices and walked towards the boy's wing of the dormitory.

I went up to my dorm room door and knocked on the fresh wooden door. I knew that Dexter was inside, where else would he go?

   " Dexter....I know you're in there." I said as I knocked.

   No sound heard, and I'm positive. I ain't death, or that's at least what I know. But who knows.

   " This isn't Frozen Dexter, open up." I commented.

   " Use your keys." a mumble was heard.

   " Forgot them, they're inside." I lied. "Please open up Dexter."

I could feel him trudging towards the door and opening them from the other side. He looked at me with an embarrassed face and he tossed my other pair of keys as he started to close the door.

" Dexter wait..." I cut in before he could entirely slam the door in front of me. " Let's talk."

    " Why? Aren't you mad at me?" Dexter snapped.

    " No, no I'm not. Dexter I know that you have an explanation for what happened. Just let me come inside." I begged.

   Dexter creaked open the door as he gave me a strange look. I motioned him to sit with me on his resting couch.

" Ok Dexter, tell me how you feel about your brother or your family. And leave nothing behind, I want all the details...and juicy stuff." I said.

" Well, I don't really know. I feel that my brother uses me when he's in trouble and when he's not, he just pushes me around like I'm some football helmet." Dexter said. " I guess I let my anger get out of control when he was about to push Chase around like he does with me."

" So all you wanted to do was to prevent that from happening?" I asked. I started to develop admiration inside my bones. Dexter didn't want to hurt anyone, he just wanted to prevent someone getting hurt. Now that's what I call a friend.

I think that Daring was lucky to have a brother like Dexter. Sometimes it's good to have someone by your side even if they blow some punches here and there. They can help you become the man you were meant to be by heart.

I sometimes wish that my sister was actually a male like me because instead of going through stages that I wouldn't understand. I could teach her more instead about how to fight, shoot an arrow, and take care of the sick or elderly.

But no matter how hard I wish, I'm always grateful for what I've received. My father once told me that everyone is given gifts and issues that'll bless their life. I carry that everywhere I'll go, to my childhood to my deathbed.

" Yes..." Dexter mumbled. " But I should have stayed quiet and still."

" Someone once told me that words are more powerful than actions." I said placing my hand upon his shoulder. "Pain lasts for a while when words last a lifetime."

" Sometimes I feel like no one hears me, they think that all they hear is just the wind." Dexter sighed as buried his face inside his hands.

" That same person also told me that the silent one, is the wisest of them all." I smiled.

" Who told you that?" Dexter asked as he uncovered his face.

Dexter's POV:

Hunter looked at me for a while, then he pumped his fist against his chest which was transparent due to the shirt he was wearing.

" The heart." Hunter said with a bold face. His voice cracked onto a depth voice. " They say the eyes are the window to your soul. But the heart, is the key to the eye."

    I smiled, I felt pretty thankful to have friends like him.

    " Since when did you become Dr. Phil?" I asked as I gave a chuckle.

   " Yeah, I don't know who that is. But I just read this really good book Hopper recommended me to read. It's called The Outsiders by S.E Hinton. It's an oldie but it's a classic." Hunter replied. " It actually influenced me to write a story of my own. But when I'm not busy with things that need to be done,"

   " Wow." I replied. That book actually sounded interesting. I'm going to ask Hopper for a copy if he has a spare one.

   " The main character reminds me a lot about you." Hunter commented.

   " Really?" I asked, surprised. I could never be a main character. Much less it reminds one about me.

   " Yeah, he's name is Pony-boy. He adores the arts, just like you."

   " Wow, now I want to read it." I replied and we both laughed.

" Hey," Hunter his hand once again on my shoulder. This time it felt like his hand was made of metal, it was heavy. "If you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me."

" Thanks..." I smiled. " thanks again."

Hey everybody! Here's a nice long chapter. I hope that you liked this! See you in the next chapter! See ya!

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