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Daring's POV:

The morning sun shone upon my face causing me to shoot up from the comfortable spot were I was sleeping. I yawned groggily as I stretched my arms. I finally realized I was in Dexter's bed and in his dorm, without him.

Soon, a shock of pain ran through my head. It wobbled as the headache got worser. I moaned and groaned loudly.

" Uhhh....." I mumbled. Dexter shot up from the other side on another bed. Hunter's bed. " What happened?"

" You got drunk idiot." Dexter snapped as he yawned. " Again."

" Oh." I said feeling like a dumbass. Again I let those martinis take control of me. Apple is going to kill me. "Sorry."

" Then you should start being mature for once." Dexter snapped back. I got pissed. It wasn't easy to give up that delicious martini, it makes one feel like it's in heaven with a bag full of money. Rich, filthy rich.

" What's going on?" a voice groaned. " I swear it's two in the morning. If not, just a few minutes mom...or dad...or both."

" Who's that?" I ask.

" Who do you think?" Dexter snapped. He was sure not in a good mood. " Hunter. He let me sleep with him while you sleep on my bed. We both know that you like sleeping alone, or with Apple only."

" You slept with Hunter?!" I whispered-shouted. " Oh, wait till Ashlynn hears this!"

" No! He just let me sleep you pervert! Nothing else! Gross!" Dexter said not being careful how loud he spoke.

" Oh good, I thought you were gay for one second-" I was cut off by a pillow that has been thrown at me.

   " What's wrong with gay people?" Dexter asked.

    " No wonder you can't get a girlfriend. Wait till dad hears this!" I laughed quietly to myself. Then, I finally took off my tuxedo revealing my chest and me only in my boxers. I hopped back in bed due to the cold shock I took.

    " Guys! I'm trying to sleep!" Hunter shot up whining like a little baby. "Can't a guy get it's sleep?"

    " Sorry Hunter." I replied. " I'm just starting to learn the fact that Dexter is gay."

" You're gay Dexter?" Hunter asked.

" No! I'm not gay! Guys stop getting into conclusions!" Dexter yelled.

" No need to scream Dexter, I already woke up." I joked, but no one laughed. So only Hunter could have the spotlight when making a joke?

" Well, now that we woke up, should we go down and have breakfast together?" Hunter asked. " I'm craving for some of their delicious pancakes with strawberries on top."

" Nah, who needs the rush anyway. We have all day, it's Saturday." I said taking out my mirror-phone out of my tuxedo pocket. " Let's check some Hexagram or Fairy-chat."

I tapped the Hexagram app and found that there were new pictures from yesterday's party. I scrolled down the history and found photos of Apple, Briar and Hopper, Blondie, Raven with Cerise and Cupid, and Darling with Chase. I hated those two together.

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