Complications (fem! Sebastian x fem! reader)

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You were quietly reading a book in your living room when the whole world just suddenly shattered.

A shrill scream had originated from the kitchen where your boyfriend had previously been, and never had you had such speed as you had then. Something was very wrong. You had never heard such a sound from Sebastian as that.

"Seb? Seb!" You skittered into the kitchen and completely froze at the sight that greeted you.

"What… what the fuck." That was all that you could say as your boyfriend stood up, your eyes wide as you tried to process what had happened.

"(Y/n)? What the hell happened?" Sebastian looked at him- no, herself as he -- well, she -- turned this way and that.

"You're... Female?" You walked over, seeing how she was still in the same clothes, and looked similar except with longer hair and obviously cleavage. You had to admit, even though you didn't normally tend to bend that way, you couldn't deny that Sebastian was still pretty good looking.

"I understand if you want to break up..." She said, her entire figure drooping slightly. You giggled, jumping up on the counter, turning her around and plaiting her hair.

"Well, I have to admit I'm no Grell, but I dated you because of your personality Seb, not your physicality. If you're female, then you're female. I still want to be with you." You plucked a crimson rose from a vase on the kitchen windowsill and weaved in with your boyfriend-turned-girlfriend's hair. You then turned her back around and admired your work.

"You sure?" You chuckled again.

"Well, it does provide a few complications but I'm sure we'll work through them. Though… I don't know how we'll explain this to Ciel, or anyone else for that matter..." Sebastian laughed and hugged you, smiling into your hair.

"We'll figure it out somehow," she said quietly. "We always do."


I have no idea where this came from. Story of my life basically.

Also, thank you for the ideas and stuff, you guys have been really great

Until the next time,

Farewell my lord/lady/friend

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