For The Best

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"They're close, aren't they Snake?" Your hand trembled as Snake picked it up gently.

"Yes my Lady, they are." Fear stroked it's icy finger down your spine as you shivered, clinging to Snake. He held you tight, stoking your hair softly, calming you down.

There was a moment of silence between you too as (soldiers/henchmen) ran around blindly, trying to find Snake.

"My Lady, he peeled you off him and looked you in the eye, his own were sad.


"I need to leave you. Go back to the manor as soon as you can, the others will protect you better than what I can." Your eyes filled with tears.

"No, Snake, please, we can get back there together!" He shook his head softly.

"My Lady, they are targeting me and I don't want you to get in the way. This is for the best." He gave you one last hug before standing and walking a short way ahead. The (soldiers/henchmen) noticed him and began to chase him while shouting like feral cavemen.

Snake looked at you one final time before turning and running as fast as he could.

"This is for the best."

((I'm sorry, I just realised the chapters are out of order. I'll get that sorted out soon. I have about 6 chapters already written so I'll post them and maybe go on a mini hiatus from writing. Idk, I just don't feel up to it, but then I have family drama and exams looming, not to mention jabs. Ah, sorry, you don't need to hear this, anyway, thanks for the reads and maybe the votes? XXX)))

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