♂Chapter Two♂

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Catholic School Boy --- Chapter Two

I didn't sleep at all last night. I kept tossing and turning, trying - and failing - to stop thinking about J.C. There isn't any reason I should be thinking about him like this! I saw him for three minutes at the most. I haven't talked to him much either. After I asked him to the movies last night we decided to go to The Hunger Games at 5:30. We would have picked a later movie but I still have to go to that stupid Youth club at the church at 8 tonight. After that he went to do his homework or something.

There is just no way to explain the connection I feel to him. I mean, come on, those eyes! Just the shortest glimpse and I am completely hooked. Which is bad! I can never truly be with him. In the long run neither of us would win. I can ever come out, there's no way. Whether I do or I don't, I'll never be happy, but at least if I don't I'll never be alone.

No one in my life will ever hate me or be disgusted by me or think I'm a Satanist! I'll be normal. I just want to be normal.

"Allister! Breakfast!" My mom yells up the stairs.

Groaning, I climb out of bed and shuffle down the stairs. The smell of pancakes and bacon is missing. My mom has really given up on the whole 'house-wife' thing since she got a job in real-estate. She's doing a surprisingly well considering the recession we're in. My dad and her blame Obama. I don't agree, weren't we in a recession before he even got into office? Oh well.

"Okay Allister, I'm off and I won't be back until late. Your dad is at the church for the day so you and Tabitha will have to ride your bikes to the event. Okay?" She doesn't even wait for a confirmation before rushing out the door.

I kind of miss my stay at home mom. Really, I miss a good breakfast. I don't think I miss the talks. She always asks me how school was and I don't mind telling her about what happens with my friends and core classes but when we get to my religious studies class she always has an input. It just hurts to hear her agree with the Nuns. I know she does but does she have to keep telling me exactly how much. It's almost like she knows and she's specifically telling me to keep it to myself. I don't miss those talks.

Quickly I pour some dry cereal into a bowl and choke it down. Usually I use milk but my mom's on a soy kick. Ew. Then I run upstairs to change into my horrible uniform. It's crimson with gold trimming. A blazer, white undershirt, slacks, and black loafers. (I'm not kidding; they have us wear loafers that don't even try to match the rest of the uniform.) And every article of clothing is marked with out hideous crest. A white dove with a halo and carrying a cross.

Tabitha is lucky. Her uniform is basically the same (except she wears a skirt vs. slacks) but her colors are navy with gold trimming. And she can wear any shoes she wants as long as they are black or navy. Plus, her crest is just the fleur-du-lis. Stupid all-girls school.

Done I leave, lock the door, and start for the bus stop. I notice Thompson already there so I slow my pace. I really shouldn't be mad at him. I hear stuff like that all the time and it's not like he said it too me. But maybe that's why I'm so mad. He said it about J.C. Not to J.C., about him. It was not only rude and offensive, it was cowardly. But like Tabitha said, I can't really be mad at him. He was raised just like us, homophobic. I don't know how Tabitha got around it, this generation of females is so fan girly, but Thompson had no chance. Maybe one day he'll understand.

He sees me walking up and waves. I wave back and we stand on the corner silently for a long while. Finally he breaks the silence.

"Did I make you mad yesterday?"

Yes. "No."

"Okay. Good. Well, are you excited for the 'club' thing tonight?"

"Not even a little bit," I confess. The events the church throws together are always boring. The chaperons all try to act cool and have fun but that makes the teens even more reluctant to do anything as we listen to awful Christian Rock and drink cheap soda.

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