- Chapter 28 -

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I walked back into the restaurant and sat back down at the table. 

"Hey, welcome back!" Matt said jokingly.

"Where's Chloe?" Johnson asked.

"Oh, she's on the bus. She fell asleep."

"Oh. What's going on?" 

"It's nothing. Just something she needed to tell me about."

"Is she okay?" Bart asked.

"Yeah, she's fine."

"Okay, well we have a big day tomorrow." Bart told us.

"What exactly is our schedule?" Cam asked.

We all turned our attention towards Bart.

"Well, depending on traffic, we should be in Navada by 12:00. You guys will go to your hotel rooms and get yourselves organized."

"How much time will we have in our rooms?" J asked.

"It depends on traffic, and what time we get there. Our show starts at 6:45."

"Okay, cause I'll need to shower." Cam said. We all nodded.

"I think you'll be fine." Bart exclaimed.

We all finished our cake, and I got a piece to save for Chloe. Chocolate cake is her favorite. We got back on the bus, and kept driving.


I know this chapter sucks, but whatever.

 - Rae

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