Part 17

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"Right, just take it easy and you should be fine" The doctor told them as George helped Matt put his jacket on. "Thank you" Jordan told the doctor and then the doctor smiled and left the room. "Right, are we going straight back to yours?" George asked as they left the room. "Do you mind if we go see Jay?" Matt asked quietly and George shook his head.

They walked over to the next room and let themselves in and found Vanessa and Dylan standing near Jorel's bed talking to the unconscious man. Matt noticed that Jorel had a tube going down his throat, helping him breathe. "Hey Matt, it's nice to see you up and about" Dylan said as he looked up and saw the three walking into the room. He walked over to Matt and pulled him in for a careful hug. "Thanks man" Matt muttered as he hugged back and then Dylan pulled back.

Just as Vanessa was about to walk over to Matt, Jorel started choking on the tube in his throat and open his eyes wide in fear. "Jay! Calm down, you're safe now!" Vanessa hastily told him, taking hold of his hand and trying to calm him. George rushed out of the room to get a doctor before Jorel choked to death as he still couldn't calm down. His heart monitor was beeping rapidly and his face had gone red due to the gagging. They were all on the verge of panicking but were managing to stay calm as they knew it wouldn't help matters at all.

George rushed back into the room followed by Jorel's appointed doctor who immediately rushed all of them out of the room and called in a nurse. Ten minutes later they were let back into Jorel's room to find that Jorel was fast asleep yet once again but without the tube going his throat and with an oxygen mask in its place. "We had to put him under sedation so that we could take the tube out without any problems occuring, he should wake up within the next hour or so" The doctor told them as the nurse left the room.

"Okay, thanks" Jordan muttered as they all walked in and surrounded Jorel's bed. Vanessa noticed there were a couple of tears that were on Jorel's cheek amongst other tear stains and her heart broke at the thought of her fiance crying without her there to help him. She wiped his tears away and sat down in the chair next to Jorel's bed, on the right side, holding his hand.

"So once Jay wakes up, when will he be let out?" George asked the doctor just as he was about to leave. "Depends on how he copes but should be tomorrow sometime if everything is alright." The doctor informed them and George smiled in appreciation at the doctor and the doctor left them in peace.

"Hey Dilly, where is Anna?" Vanessa asked as she noticed that Dylan was looking rather lost as he stared at Jorel's bed, lost in thought. "Uh she's trying to find an apartment that both she and I would be able to afford but she ain't having too much luck at the moment." Dylan told them and this shocked them all as they weren't aware of their situation. "I thought you had an apartment on highland and franklin?" Jordan questioned as he clasped hands with George. "We did but the dicks kicked us out, something about them having to mortgage their shit or something" Dylan explained and they nodded in understanding.

"Dylan, if you want, you and Anna can move in with me. I can figure out something which will suit you, rent wise" Matt offered as George directed him to sit down in the remaining sit in the room. "That would be a life saver, thank you so much Matt! I'll have to talk with Anna but I'm sure it would be better than anything we could ever find ourselves" Dylan told him and Matt smiled happily. "S'all cool" Matt muttered quietly and Dylan left the room as he called his girlfriend to tell her the news and what not.

Forty minutes later, Jorel slowly started to wake up. "Hey muffin, how are you feeling?" Vanessa asked Jorel quietly as she saw him open his eyes slightly. "Tired" He answered hoarsely and George looked up and over at him. Dylan poured him a glass of water and handed it over to Vanessa so that she could help Jorel drink it and ease his dry throat. "Thanks" He whispered as he leant back after drinking it. "Hopefully you'll be released tomorrow at the latest, well according to the doctor that is" Jordan told him and Jorel just smiled tiredly in response to show that he did hear him as he had closed his eyes due to tiredness.

"Where's Matty?" Jorel asked quietly and Matt looked up at the mention of his name. "I'm right here Jay" He told the other man from where he was sitting in the seat to the left of him. "Oh, okay, good" Jorel said, still not getting any louder than a tired mumble. He opened his eyes and looked over at the pale man. "Just making sure your still alive" Jorel told him and Matt just smiled sadly.

"Yeah, something like that" He mumbled back and Jorel just closed his eyes as he understood what Matt meant.

"Go back to sleep, Jay. We'll be here when you wake up, don't worry" George told him as he could just how much Jorel was struggling to stay awake. The only way Jorel responded was by passing out yet once again.

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