Part 2

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"Matt? We need to get you inside" Jorel said quietly as he tried to talk some sense into Matt again. He was just sitting behind the driver's seat, staring at the spot in front of him, mouthing words but giving no voice to them, tears streaming down his face still. "Matt, come on" Jorel said and he looked back to see George and Dylan standing by the door of the house as Vanessa and Jordan were already inside in the lounge, looking through the window. "Why don't you give him a minute, Jay, he's in shock" George said quietly coming up behind Jorel, his feet crunching on the gravel on Matt's drive.

"But it's cold out here and is getting colder by the second, he could get ill" Jorel complained and George just sighed and pulled Jorel away from the door. "Matt, just take your time, come in when you're ready, there will be some coffee waiting for you" George told Matt quietly as he held Jorel back from trying to get Matt out of the car again and both George and Jorel saw it as Matt nodded slightly in response. George then closed the door for Matt and towed Jorel towards the house and through the door.

"George, he shouldn't be left alone" Jorel complained as he tried to break out of George's grip on his arm and George just huffed in annoyance. "Just give him a minute, Jay. We can keep an eye on him through the lounge window" George said and kicked the door shut behind him. George let go of Jorel and Jorel just backed away from George, glaring at him. "He needs to be inside, where he's safe! Where no one could kill him!" Jorel shouted at him and broke down in front of them all, he just couldn't take it anymore. Jordan and Vanessa walked out of the lounge to see what was happening and Jordan just stood next to Dylan as Vanessa ran up to Jorel just as he fell to the floor.

"Jay?" Vanessa said quietly as she hugged him to her. She felt tears roll down her own face as she felt Jorel hug back with a desperate need to wake up out of this nightmare. "I can't believe he's dead, V. My best friend is dead" Jorel wailed as he continued crying, his forehead resting against her neck and his tears ruining her shirt. "I know Jay, I know." Vanessa whispered and ran her hands through Jorel's hair. After a long while Jorel had managed to calm down enough that, with George's help, Vanessa was able to get him on to his feet and into the lounge. They sat him down on the couch and as Vanessa sat next to him, he yawned and lay down on the couch with his head on Vanessa's lap before falling asleep.

As the other three sat down on the couch opposite them, they heard a car door slam and Dylan rushed up to the window just in time to see Matt running off down the street.

"Matt's running away" Dylan told them and went to rush out of the door after him. "Just give him some time, he'll come back when he's ready" George told him from where his head was resting on Jordan's shoulder. Dylan paused halfway to the front door and looked back at George doubtfully.

"Are you sure?" Dylan asked as he slowly returned to his seat and George nodded. "We'll give him a call in half an hour to see if he's alright or if he needs our help." And Dylan just nodded in response as it sounds like a good plan, he's just worried in case Matt were to do something that he wouldn't be able to tell a story about later on. "He just needs time to come to terms with all that's happening, that's all" Jordan told Dylan, after kissing George on the forehead,and again Dylan just nodded.

As he looked over to Vanessa and Jorel, he saw that Vanessa was wiping away tears from Jorel's face and her own and just started to just run her fingers through Jorel's hair as he slept. "Everything must have just been too much for him" Dylan muttered and Vanessa looked up at him and nodded. "He never cries, he cried when his Dad died but not in front of anyone else, just me, his sister and his mom. It's just too much, he's losing those he's closest to and he's scared of who's going to be next" Vanessa told them quietly and they all nodded as they don't remember a single time when Jorel had cried apart from today.

They all just watched some TV and after a while Vanessa started to twitch. "V, are you alright?" Jordan asked as he noticed it when she looked behind her quickly. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Vanessa threw back quickly and they all noticed how much she jumped when George coughed. "V, your twitching like there's no tomorrow. What's the matter?" Dylan asked and Vanessa cringed.

"It's just that, when we went into D....his house, there was this huge pressure filling the air, Jay and Matt felt it as well" Vanessa started, hesitating as she tried to say Danny's name but couldn't. "After we went back down stairs, Matt and I both saw something that scared the shit out of us" Vanessa told them and they noticed how wide eyed she had gone again after remembering that exact moment.

"V, what did you see?" George asked and Vanessa just started shaking her head quickly.

"Please don't?" Vanessa whispered and leant down before resting her forehead against Jorel's. "Don't worry about it, V. If you don't wanna talk about it then we don't blame ya" Jordan said and checked the time. "We should call Matt, see if he's alright, it's been an hour already" He suggested after checking the time on his phone and Dylan cursed and nodded hastily before pulling out his phone and calling him.

"Yo, Matt. It's me, Dylan, where are ya?" Dylan asked as soon as Matt had picked up. "I don't know" Matt answered and Dylan just sighed, in confusion whilst slightly not surprised. "What do you mean 'you don't know'?" Dylan asked and George just looked up and watched Dylan as he stood up and went towards the window. "I mean, I don't know. I don't know where I am. I was just walking and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, then somehow I found an edge of a bank too late and now I can't get back up and it's all dark." Matt told him, still sounding like he had been crying a load, and Dylan just ran his hands through his hair.

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