Part 16

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"Matt! You're awake!" Jordan cried happily as Matt came around to the beeping of his heart monitor. "Ugh,sadly. Just five more minutes, that's all i wanted" Matt muttered sarcastically and then yawned as his eyes drooped shut again. He heard Jordan chuckled and then someone walking into the room.

"What you laughing at?" He heard George ask his boyfriend but he didn't hear Jordan respond. "Why you laughing at Matt?" George asked and then Matt realized what had happened. Jordan must have pointed at him in response. "Because i begged for another five minutes" Matt answered for Jordan, opening his eyes to look over at George and Jordan, who were standing in front of his bed.

"Typical" George muttered after chuckling slightly himself. "Well, I'm glad you're finally awake" George told him and went to hug him. As soon as George pulled back, Jordan replaced him and held onto Matt for a little bit longer than necessary. "Uh, good to see you too" Matt muttered, confused, and Jordan then chuckled and reluctantly pulled away.

"Sorry, I was just worried for ya" Jordan muttered and then backed up and sat in the chair next to Matt's bed.

"Why am I in hospital?" Matt questioned them and they both gave each other a worried look. "Matt, you were almost dead when we found you in Danny's room. You were covered in a load of cuts and you were bleeding all over and were barely breathing" George told him and both him and Jordan saw it as Matt paled as he remembered what had happened in his old room in Danny's house.

"He's completely gone now, he was just protecting us from the poltergeist" Matt whispered and closed his eyes as tears sprung up again. He has done a lot of crying lately but he knows that it won't last. "Well he saved all our lives, Jorel nearly died and so did you except the difference is that Jorel did die, but was soon resuscitated" Jordan informed Matt and he gasped. "What happened to Jay?" Matt questioned and George sighed and sat at the end of Matt's bed.

"When we were going up the stairs in Danny's house to get you back, a bunch of flower vases came flying down at us and a couple smashed into Jorel and a large piece of glass broke off and was wedged in between his shoulder and neck. He nearly bled to death and if Danny had taken any longer to kick that poltergeists ass then we would have two funerals to attend to. Not just Danny's but Jorel's as well" George told him and Matt's heart broke some more at the mention of Danny's funeral.

"Where is Jay now?" Matt asked and sat up slightly, noticing that he doesn't even know the date. "He has still to wake up, he's in the room next door." Jordan answered and leaned back before trying to get some shut eye. Before long he had fallen asleep and George sighed as he went in search of a blanket to cover his boyfriend with.

He found one and then covered Jordan with it and just watched as his boyfriend cuddled up to the blanket slightly and came to a tiny bit. "Cuddle with me?" Jordan asked sleepily with one eye open and George just grinned and nodded quickly. So then George stood Jordan up for a second, sat down first and sat Jordan down on his lap. Jordan smiled and cuddled up to the older man and quickly fell asleep again with his head resting against George's neck.

"Cute" Matt muttered from where he was watching on his bed still and George looked up at him and nodded. "I love him to pieces" George told the other man and Matt smiled. "What's the date?" Matt asked and George pulled out his phone carefully from his pocket, being careful not to disturb his sleeping boyfriend. "It is.... The 21st of March" George informed him, hesitating for a second as he waited for his phone to wake up. "The 21st! What was the date when we first went there?" Matt questioned in shock. "The 14th, you've been out for the past week" George answered and matt just shook his head in disbelief.

"How have i been out for so long?" Matt muttered in question, having trouble believing just how much time had gone past. "I don't know, Matt, I don't know what happened to you" George said and Matt looked over at him again.

"There was a whirlpool of needles or something and it kept cutting me and i felt like it was draining my blood or something." Matt explained and George shook his head. "Well I'm glad Danny saved you from that thing" George told him and Matt shrugged. "When will I get out of here?" Matt questioned and just as George was about to answer, Matt's doctor walked into the room.

"Well that depends all on what my check up on you will determin" The doctor responded for George. The doctor checked Matt's pulse and other vitals and then checked the worst of his wounds which seemed to be on his chest. "Well you lost a lot of blood from these wounds, more than normal but you have healed well from it and I'm glad you found the ability to wake up." The doctor told them once he had finished his check up. Matt just smiled at the doctor in response and he soon left the room after telling them that he can be released in the morning but for now he should rest as much as possible.

"Go to sleep Matt, We'll be here when you wake up, i promise" George told the other man as he saw that Matt was slowly falling asleep but was battling it as much as he could. Matt nodded in response and practically passed out immediately, making George chuckle in envy and soon all three were sleeping the rest of the night away.

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