Part 7

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As George and Jordan walked into the lounge, they found that Jorel and Vanessa were cuddled on one of the couches watching the morning news on the TV. They heard Dylan in the kitchen talking but he was getting no reply and they decided to go find out what was happening.

"Matt, please? Talk to me" Dylan begged Matt, who was looking through his fridge, just as George and Jordan walked into the kitchen. Matt turned his head so that he could look at Dylan, and he happened to notice that George and Jordan were there as well. As soon as Matt saw George, he quickly looked away, remembering how he had acted the night before and how George was scared of him. He just ditched whatever it was that he was doing and left the room as quickly as he could.

"He's refusing to even whisper a single word, it's scaring me" Dylan whispered and sat down at the table before throwing his head down on his arms. Jordan sat down next to him and put his hand on Dylan's shoulder. George just headed towards the fridge to see if he could figure out what Matt was doing.

He figured that Matt was just simply making himself a bowl of cereal so George finished it off for him, making sure that it was Matt's favourite cereal. He then took the bowl out with him as he went to find where Matt had disappeared to. "He's gone to the toilet, he'll be back in a minute" Jorel muttered from where his head was resting against the arm of the chair.

Vanessa was cuddled up to him on top and was slowly starting to fall asleep again but Jorel's voice rumbled through his chest and Vanessa felt it against her face and it startled her enough to become more alert of what's going around her. She lifted her head and looked up at Jorel and grinned as she found that he was staring at her. As she didn't feel like doing anything else, Vanessa just went back to resting her head on Jorel's chest and closed her eyes, just listening to the sounds around her as it was quite soothing.

As George was beginning to feel quite hungry himself, he left Matt's cereal on the coffee table in the middle of the room and headed back into the kitchen to grab some food for himself.

Five minutes later, Matt came back from the bathroom and as he sat down on the opposite couch to Jorel and Vanessa, Jorel called Matt's name and pointed at the bowl on the table in between them. "George made it for you" Jorel told him and Matt nodded to show he heard before he stood up to retrieve the bowl and sat back down with it.

As Matt began eating his cereal, The News started showing the breaking news and they all gasped as they saw Danny on the screen as the news started started talking about the entire incident. "Guys!" Jorel shouted as he turned the TV volume up and the three in kitchen came rushing in and froze as they saw what the fuss was about.

"It has been confirmed that the death of the Lead Singer of the band Hollywood Undead, Daniel Murillo, had died by suicide. No other information was given and the police have now officially closed the case" The news reporter told the camera and everyone in Matt's lounge jumped when there was banging on the front door. Jorel turned the TV off as Jordan went to answer the door.

George and Dylan joined Matt on the couch and they both cuddled up to him as he had started crying silently again and they didn't know how to comfort him any other way. Jordan came back from answering the front door followed by a cop, one they recognized from the investigation of Danny's death.

"Good morning gentlemen" The copper said as Jordan directed him to a seat next to Vanessa and Jorel. They had both sat up once they heard there was someone at the door. "As you might have seen on the news if you have watched it this morning, all evidence has suggested that Daniel's death has been ruled as suicide. The coroner himself has declared this. All investigation into this scenario has now been stopped and you are free to return to Daniel's house should you wish too. We have confirmation from Daniel's lawyer that he has left the house and everything inside to all five members of his former band." The cop told them and tears started falling down Dylan's cheeks as he realized that Danny had already prepared for his death, whenever it came.

The cop handed over a set of keys to jordan as he was still standing next to the cop and then the cop brought out a camcorder which they all immediately recognized as Danny's as they had seen him pull it out many a times when they were at home or on tour and they all remembered how he loved recording them all, constantly saying how they will look back at the videos one day and laugh and miss the good old days.

"We also found this on one of the beds in the house and thought that perhaps you would want to keep it close by, perhaps you might find some meaning behind all of this which those of us who doesn't know him as well could point out." the cop suggested and this time it was Jorel who took the object from the cop. "Thank you, you have helped us a lot" George told the man but didn't move from his seat as Matt had decided to hug him and not let go as he couldn't face the cop or what he had brought with him, so he hid his face against George's chest.

"Once again, I am truly sorry for all of you, no person should go through such a thing and hopefully there will be understanding eventually. If you ever need anything, just call me, you all already have my number, so yeah. I'll leave you all in peace now" The cop said and stood up. He shook everyone's hands apart from Matt's and then left the house, leaving them all in despair.

"He never told us why Danny killed himself though" Matt whispered, talking for the first time since the middle of last night, and peeked from where he was still hiding against George. "They don't know, nobody knows" Vanessa said and climbed behind Jorel before hugging him from behind. Jorel placed the camcorder on the table and held Vanessa's hands in his and held them against his face. "I wish I could have been there for him, before any of this happened" Jorel whispered and carefully moved Vanessa back away from him before standing up and walking out of the room.

They watched him as he walked up the stairs and he only paused halfway up when Vanessa called his name. Jorel just turned around, looked down at her and saw everyone was staring at him. He then shook his head just as tears started falling down his face, and he quickly turned away and rushed the rest of the way up the stairs.

"I'll go after him" Matt said as he stood up just before Vanessa could and they were all shocked as they didn't expect him to even speak anymore. Vanessa nodded and Matt headed off after his broken brother.

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