Part 9

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"V!" Jorel called worriedly as he saw her crying in her sleep. He has been trying to wake his fiance up for the past five minutes since he first noticed she was having a nightmare. "Jay! What's going on?" Dylan asked as he rushed into their room, hearing the panic in Jorel's voice.

"V's having a nightmare and I can't wake her up" Jorel told him quickly and Dylan rushed up to Vanessa's side of the bed. "V? Can you hear me?" Dylan asked loudly as he shook her shoulders slightly. "No Jay" Was the only response he received and this was just what Vanessa whispered in her nightmare. Tears were pouring down her cheeks and Jorel was almost crying himself as they couldn't find a way to wake her up. He hated that she was suffering so much that it's causing her to cry even when she's out for it.

Just as George and Jordan walked into the room after being woken up by the drama in Jorel's room, Vanessa suddenly sat straight up and let out a huge fear filled scream, causing everyone to jump a mile as it was unexpected. "Oh my god! I am so sorry" She cried after she calmed and just kept crying into her hands as she covered her face once she saw everyone was in there staring at her with wide eyes. "Don't be sorry, V" Jorel whispered into her ear as he pulled her in for a need-filled hug. Vanessa wrapped her arms around Jorel's neck and cried into his chest as she tried to calm down from the nightmare.

"Hey V, do you think you can tell us what the nightmare was about?" George asked her as he sat on the bottom part of bed, Jordan following him and was standing next to him. Vanessa sniveled and turned her head slightly so that she could see everyone else and not just Jorel's chest. "It was about when we first found him in the bath" She whispered and Jorel tightened his arms around her slightly. "There was this huge black shadow everywhere, making it harder for us to see but both me and Matt were able to see Danny's image through the misty shadow thing. Matt screamed his name and went after him and both Matt and Danny disappeared, leaving us both in the pitch black. That was when you disappeared" She told them all but mainly speaking directly to Jorel. "I lost hold of your hand and i couldn't find you or even hear you but i did hear laughing. It was fucking terrifying and i heard it whispering your names, over and over again. I begged it to stop but then the laughing would get louder. After a while i was able to see you three but Danny was trapped in some black ropes and you and Matt were being attacked by what looked like the shadow but formed into a load of spikes. You kept crying out in pain and i tried to call you but neither of you would listen but Danny was staring right at me, tears pouring down his face. He kept mouthing words at me and i figured out that he was trying to say none of us could help him and that he was sorry, very sorry" Vanessa carried on, tears still running thick but able to keep going. "Then he disappeared and slowly so did you two, and i screamed. I hated every part of it, the last thing i remember was... was that something kept stabbing at me" Vanessa finished and they were all just staring at her in silence as they were picturing it all in their mind.

"Matt had a similar nightmare last night" George told them and they still couldn't think of anything to say. They were all trapped in their own thoughts as Jorel helped Vanessa calm down completely.

Eventually the tears had stopped running and she was calm once again. "You alright now, baby?" Jorel asked her quietly and she nodded as Jorel wiped away the remainder of her tears with his thumbs. "Good" He muttered and then kissed the top of her forehead. "Where is Matt?" She asked as she noticed that he was the only one not in the room. "Still in bed. He had a nightmare last so i won't be surprised if he has a nightmare again tonight" George mumbled and stood up. "I'll go check on him, back in a minute" He muttered and then left the room.

"Is George alright?" Jorel asked as he noticed a change in George's normally happy mood. "He's just hung over, that's all" Jordan assured them, going off what George had complained about just as they woke up not long ago. "I'm not surprised, you were all friggin hammered" Vanessa muttered and both Jorel and Dylan grunted. "All i know is that my head is banging" Jorel muttered, actually noticing the pain now that he wasn't distracted with worry for his fiance. "Yeah, you fell off the chair and whacked your head on the floor" Jordan informed him and Jorel just shrugged. "Guys!" They heard George shout from Matt's bedroom and they all rushed out of Vanessa and Jorel's room and headed straight to Matt's bedroom. "What happened?" Jordan questioned as he was the first one in.

"Matt! He's not here!" George freaked as he came from Matt's en-suite bathroom. "I can't find him!" George exclaimed and Jordan rushed out of the room past the other three to check the rest of the house.

"What do you mean you can't find him? How can he have disappeared?" Jorel freaked as he was scared for the missing man, everyone he cared for was either going missing or dying and he can't handle the thought of possibly losing someone else. "He must have snuck out whilst we were all out for it" George muttered and sat down on the edge of Matt's bed. Jorel headed back to his room and then quickly returned with his phone in his hand. He dialed Matt's number but they all heard Matt's phone ring from the other end of his bed. Vanessa walked up to where they heard it coming from and lifted up the pillows, revealing Matt's phone.

"Shit" Jorel muttered as he hung up. Jordan then stormed into the room. "He's not in the house at all, where could he have gone?" Jordan asked and they all shrugged until George realized something. "Last night, after the nightmare, he kept trying to go to ...his house" George told them, choking on Danny's name so he left it out. "He had a similar nightmare which you had, V, except he took it to mean that he was needed to go save him from the shadow thing. He freaked out and it actually scared me but it soon blew off and he passed out again as long as i was there with him" George told them and they just let it sink in.

"So he would have gone to his house?" Dylan questioned and they all nodded. None of them could bring themselves to say Danny's name, they still can't fully accept that he's dead. It hurts too much.

!!Usual Suspects!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora