Part 11

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As they were walking down the sidewalk towards Danny's house, at half one in the morning, they saw Dylan's girlfriend, Anna Ber, standing in front of Danny's house looking confused.

"Anna?" Dylan called and rushed up to her before pulling her in for a need-filled hug as he hadn't seen her since a couple of days before Danny's death. "Dilly, Damn did i miss you?" She muttered and hugged back tightly.

"Hey Anna" Vanessa greeted her best friend as they reached her and Dylan. "Hey, V, how come y'all out here at this time of night?" Anna asked them all and they all sub-consciously looked towards Danny's house.

"I'm guessing it's got something to do with Matt because i just saw him rush in there which is why i've been standing here for the past five minutes debating whether or not i should go in after him." Anna put together and they all nodded in confirmation. "Well i tried calling you, Dyl but i couldn't get through, haven't been able to for the past two days" Anna told Dylan as the rest walked past them towards the house. They followed on afterwards as they continued to talk. "Yeah, sorry, my phone has been dead since the day before yesterday i guess i just never got round to putting it on charge." Dylan admitted and Anna just shrugged. "Oh well. Least i can see you again" Anna muttered and Dylan stopped her, just as George and Jordan reached the front door, and pulled her in for a kiss. "I have missed you so much" Dylan muttered as he pulled back and then kissed her on her forehead. Anna grinned but didn't respond as they followed the rest into the house.

"Does anyone else feel that pressure?" George asked as the last two walked into the house and before anyone could respond, the door slammed shut behind Dylan and Anna, making them all jump.

"Damn, Dylan, keep your wig on" Jordan joked, trying to hide how it scared him. "I didn't touch it and neither did Anna. It closed by itself" Dylan told them and they all felt the blood leave their faces as they realized he was telling the truth.

"He's telling the truth" They heard someone whisper from the middle of the lounge but they couldn't see who it was as it was pitch dark in the house. "Matt? Is that you?" George questioned, slightly standing in front of Jordan in protection, just in case, and he saw Jorel and Dylan do the same with their partners.

"I'm so sorry" Matt whispered and then fell silent as Jorel went to turn the light on but nothing worked. Just as he gave up, a deep laughter was audible but they couldn't pinpoint the sound and assumed it was Matt. They were immediately proven wrong as Matt cried in fear and stood up before running over to them in fear.

He ended up crashing into George and just hugged him tightly, too scared to let go. "Matt, who was that?" George asked him but Matt shook his head. "I'm so sorry, you shouldn't be here. Nobody should be here" Matt muttered into George's shoulder and hearing the fear in his voice gave them all goosebumps.

"Why, who is it?" Anna asked him as nobody else could seem to think of anything to say. "He's going to kill us......

!!Usual Suspects!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora