Chapter 15: A Man With Many Faces

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I didn't sleep a wink, the blood rushing through my veins made it so that I didn't want to sleep. I didn't need to sleep, I just did so that time would move along a little quicker. Granted I did need sleep sometimes but I could go a long time without it. Everyone else on the other hand, they needed sleep and usually a lot of it. Scarlet and Jessica had been working until early hours in the morning while Alex and I helped when it was needed. We couldn't do much so they would just shoo us out of their way. Scarlet had started to move slowly, a signal that she was growing tired which was understandable as it was late so she went to bed followed not long after by Alex. Jessica stayed up as long as she could though. Guilt was eating at her because of the poison but I keep her company and tried to make her feel better. In all honestly it wasn't completely her fault, she was just doing her job. I sat in the room with her but then noticed her movements slowing and her slightly shaking. So I sent her to bed. 

After she went to bed I looked at the notes and work she had been doing but not much of it made sense. Science interested me but I didn't go further with it, then again I never did finish high school. If Shane hadn't came into my life and changed me I would have finished school and maybe have a good job but instead I had a high paying job that was enjoyable at certain times and just involved a lot of killing. Moving away from the table I decided to go exploring, no one was up to question me so I went outside and explored the area around us. 

There was something nice and free feeling about a morning walk especially when there was only the sound of animals in the distance and no cars or people talking to loudly or people shouting into their phones ignoring what was going on around them. I had decided to stay out probably a little longer than I should have but it was nice to get away and think of nothing other than where I placed my foot and if there was any animals around me.  

By the time I got back from my little adventure Alex was up. "Morning!" I beamed at him.

The fresh morning air had give me a buzz, then again my happiness of the possibility of having to kill Joshua hadn't yet vanished. 

"You haven't slept?" Alex poured coffee.

"Haven't felt the need to." I shrugged then grew serious. "About Alexis, I'm sorry I took the phone off you but I could hear her shouting at you and we needed the information before she would hang up on you." 

He sighed. "I don't hold a grudge against you. What you've done, you will have to deal with it. Even if I tell her not to tell Luca, she will still tell him. Thankfully it'll take her awhile to find where I am so we have sometime to get the work done." He took a sip of his coffee. "Maybe someday you will tell me the real reason for everything." 

Nothing more could be said because Scarlet walked in and straight to the coffee that Alex seemed to have brewed. "Your friend, Jessica, knows quite a lot about the poison." Scarlet chimed in breaking the silence that had happened when she walked in.

"It sounds like you are trying to imply something." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Nope, just stating something that is a little strange." Scarlet shrugged.

"It's not that strange. I have known about supernaturals for a very long time, I have encountered a lot of them." Jessica walked through the door.

She looked like she didn't even sleep or at least didn't sleep very well. Her eyes were blood shot and had dark circles forming under them. It didn't seem to have any effect on her though, she still held herself unfazed by the tiredness she must have felt. Being tired didn't stop her from looking as well as she could.  

I was about to scold her and tell her to go back to bed but she smiled at me. "You are going to be my test dummy for a little while." 

I gulped. "Why?" 

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