Chapter 12: A Job Well Done

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I pulled a chair from the table and sat in front of Tony while he sat tied to the other chair. 

He glared at me but I just smiled back. "You will pay for this." He spat blood on to the floor. 

"I won't because if you tell anyone about me, I will kill you." 

"Do you know what I am capable off!?" He shouted at me.

I glared at him. "Listen, I don't want to be here so give me what I want so I can leave." I groaned.

"I'm more afraid of those I work for." He spat at me.

I smirked. "You should be more afraid of me." I let my eyes turn their vibrant red and bared my fangs at him.

His face paled slightly which was hard to notice because of how pale he was to begin with. His brown eyes widened in slight fear but also curiosity. Tony Harper was overall very handsome, under the broken cheek bone and the swollen lip that I had given him, granted him being covered in blood added to my likeness towards him. When he came through the door I waited until it was closed and locked to step out and saw that he wasn't that tall, around the same height as me. He didn't quite give me the scientist vibe but neither did Jessica. 

As he stared up at me from his chair it seemed like he was smart enough to figure out that I could do more harm that I was doing so far. "What..what are you?" He stuttered. 

I stood. "If you don't just give up what I want I will become your worst nightmare." 

He looked down. "I can't. They will kill me." 

I laughed. "Tony, my dear, if you don't tell me how to get into the building and give me your card, I will kill you and it won't be pretty." To make my point I stood behind him and gripped his shoulder in a bone crushing grip, if I applied a little more pressure I would have easily broke his shoulder.  

He let out a yelp and tried to move out of my grasp. "Fine. Fine! My card is in my coat pocket. The smokers garden is the only door with no cameras, it's over a huge wall out to the side of the building. You could try climb it. What you are looking should be on level B4." 

I let him go and untied to tie from around his hands. It was the only thing I could use to tie him up. After that I went to his coat and searched it. Getting the card I slipped it into my back pocket. "Now that wasn't so hard." I smiled and went over to him.

"They will find you and kill you." He warned.

"Not before I kill them." I beamed then grew serious which seemed to scare him. "Sadly, I can't have any loose ends." 

Tony took a step back from me. "But you said you wouldn't kill me if I told you." He panicked.

It was funny to watch him panic and watch the fear grow bit by bit. When I stepped closer to him he took a b-line for the kitchen and grabbed a sharp knife. 

When I walked toward him again he thrust the knife at me, not once or twice but three times. The second time the knife cut my arm then the third time I grabbed the knife in my hand. I then punched him in the face knocking him backwards making him drop the knife and I threw it into the sink.

I pulled him up by his shirt collar and punched him again, holding back with my punches so that I didn't end up killing him. After he had been knocked out and two punches after that I dropped him. He was bleeding probably more than he should have been but he stabbed me and I was pissed off. 

It will be a learning experience for him. After whipping his blood from my fist on to a tea towel I made sure that he was breathing and then left. 

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