Chapter 14: A Huge Mistake

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Being to human had meant that I had almost told Alex everything that went on with Shane and that was something I wanted to avoid completely. I was torn between starting the process of turning everything off or just leaving it half on as it already was. Both had their pros and cons because turning it off would make me slightly unbearable but it would make everything easier for me. Having it stay as it always was meant that I was slightly bearable but it was slightly harder on myself because it happened all of a sudden and I wasn't ready for it. 

Either way I couldn't think about it for to long because Jessica knocked my door then walked in closing it after herself. 

"Mr Simmons is my bosses name. I haven't seen him in a week but he normally disappears for at least two. I don't know where he goes within those two weeks and I never thought to care because he is the boss, he goes on business trips. Maybe it's something you want to look into, I don't know." Jessica rushed.

"You don't need to rush." I smiled at her. "Thank you, I will look into it while you are working with Scarlet." 

She nodded then left, having nothing else to say to me. 

The name she said sounded familiar to me but I just couldn't remember as to where I had heard it before. It had been a really long time since I had heard it so I assumed it would have been before I left home. At first I thought it might have been a neighbour or a family friend but wasn't completely sure.

I left my room and headed downstairs, Alex would be with Scarlet so I thought maybe he would be able to tell me who Simmons was or if he remembered the name. Going to the living room I saw Scarlet and Alex sitting on the couch eating and heard Jessica in the kitchen. I popped my head in to see if Jessica was alright with getting breakfast, she seemed fine so I let her be while I talked to Alex.

"Hey." Scarlet smiled at me as she took a drink of tea. 

"Hi. Alex, have you heard of the surname Simmons?" I asked as I sat down in one of the other chairs.

Jessica walked out and sat down in the chair facing mine as Alex thought for a second. She seemed to have made some jam on toast with just a glass of milk.

"I remember the name. I think there's a Mr. Simmons that teaches biology in our old school. Why?" Alex wondered.

"You went to a human school?" Scarlet questioned.

"Yes, my parents sent my brothers and I to school so that we could learn to blend with humans and learn." I answered her then turned back to Alex. "I had a contact ring me if they found anything to do with a company being able to make the poison or anything like it. He gave me a couple of names but said Simmons was the most questionable out of them all. So I'm looking into him first." 

"I'm not sure what he is doing now. I'll have to give Alexis a ring to see if she can look into him and if he is still at the school." 

I raised an eyebrow. "Will that not be a little bit suspicious?" 

"She knows I'm looking into a couple of things for the pack so she won't question much." He stood up. "I'll be right back." Then he left. 

Apart of me wondered if Scarlet was going to ask a question about me being born, not created, the fact I had parents and brothers or anything really but she didn't. Jessica knew more than most about my life before I became what I was, mainly because I spent a fair amount of time with her and Simon that I just got comfortable with them. I remembered one night when I was staying with them I had started crying and Jessica comforted me. It was that night I opened up slightly about seeing my brother die in a horrible way but I never told her how I ended up seeing it or the events leading up to it. She didn't question it either, she just sat and listened. That was the last night I talked about my brother and opened up, even a little, to anyone because I knew saying to much was bad and I didn't want to talk about it anymore. So that was the end of me feeling anything. Until Alex stepped back into my life and brought all the drama. 

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