Chapter 11: Old Jobs

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I lost count of the amount of times Scarlet had glared at me. I didn't let it effect me or at least show that it effected me in the slightest. I did feel bad because of what I did and I was preventing them from looking further into the blood connection but I couldn't let myself care to much. I had to protect myself. 

As I watched Alex and Scarlet move around the table I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket. At first I thought it was strange because it was my private phone and hardly anyone had its number until I say who was calling. 

Excusing myself from the room I answered the call. "Hello?" 

"Aria?" A voice that sounded both out of breath and worried.


"It's really you," The voice let out a sign of relief. "I didn't know if you would still have thing this phone. It's been a long time. Do you remember me?"  

"You are Simons wife. I'm surprised he would let you call me. I'm surprised you both still have my number." 

"Aria, I have a serious problem and I need your help. Do you still do what you used to?" 

Simon was a human that had gotten into contact with me around three years ago. His wife, Jessica, had thought that Simon was cheating on her with me but then soon enough realized what I was and what I did. Simon had hired me to take care of his boss who had been stealing from his workers, forced himself on a fair amount of the women in the office and had been dealing in illegal ways to keep the company on top. I wasn't hired to kill him but to just scare him but sadly I ended up saving him from an assassination attempt on his life by a rival company who had caught onto what he was doing. In the end I threatened him and then left him crying and bloody in the middle of his home. After that I gave them my personal number and told them to call me in case they got into trouble. 

When I had met them it was a time when I still cared about most things and not just myself. I had changed since they last seen me but maybe my old self was slowly coming back. Alex was probably to blame because of that. He reminded me so much of home. 

"It's hard to leave it. What's wrong?" I sighed.

"Can we meet? It's not safe to talk about it over the phone. Please." She begged.

I raised an eye brow but still agreed to meet her. "I'm about three hours away from you, if you two still live in the same house?" 

"Yes, we do. Please get here as soon as you can." 

"I'll try my best." We both hung up and I turned to face Alex. "I was having a private conversation." I looked at him annoyed.

"You are leaving to go do a job?" He looked pissed. "I told you that this would only work if you stopped." 

I took a deep breath and stepped back from him putting distance between us. "These people are don't ask me to kill." 

"Who are they?" 

"They are from an old job that I did. Now if you excuse me, I have a couple of hours journey ahead of myself." I turned to leave him but he grabbed my arm and held me still.

"Aria, let me come with you or just let them sort it out themselves." 

I pulled my arm away from him. "I am doing nothing of importance here, I will do what I have always done. You and Scarlet are getting closer so just stay here with her. I can tell when I'm not wanted here anymore." 

I walked away and as I collected my most important bag from the room I stayed in I could hear them talking about me. Rolling my eyes at the fact they were torn between letting me go without a fight or just let me go and hope I don't screw things up. 

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