Chapter Fifty Five ~ Love You, Baby

Start from the beginning

                I shook the thoughts out of my head and let go of my suitcase. Walking over to Liz, I pulled her up on her feet and wrapped my arms around her waist. Liz laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck, playing with the hair at the back of my head.

"I love it here. Your house is so cute and this room is so much like you. I wish I could have known you before all this. Omigod, can you imagine coming here to study or something?" Liz said, laughing at the end.

                I laughed, but couldn't help but picture it. I'm sure if she had lived her, or even if I had lived in Maine, we would have ended up together. We just fit together too well. But I could imagine being friends with her and her coming to study in my room. Odd, but it's true.

"Yeah, we would have been best friends. I'd start to fall in love with you over time and when I finally got the guts to tell you how I felt you'd harshly reject me. Mostly liking because of my old crooked teeth and cocky sixteen year old attitude." I said, teasingly at the end.

"Aw, babe. If it helps I would have been the one to like you first. Back in two thousand eleven, when I first saw One Direction I immediately liked you the best. It was because of your teeth, actually. I was a sucker for them, they looked so cute." Liz said, looking up at me.

                I laughed and shook my head slowly. There's no way that she'd start to like me first. She's be some gorgeous sixteen year old girl with every guy falling for her. She'd never think of me as more than a friend.

"I don't think so, I'd like you first." I said, looking back down at her.

"Are we arguing over who'd like each other first?" Liz asked, laughing again.

                It was true, we were arguing over it. Well not technically arguing, more like the playful arguing. I honestly love when we do this because it's just... I don't know. I really can't explain it. It's just so fun to do this, to argue over stupid pointless things in a playful tone. And then to laugh about it after. It's fun and I don't really know why.

"C'mon, we'll unpack later tonight or tomorrow morning. I can smell the lasagna from up here and all I want to do is go and eat some of it." I said, inhaling the scent that was beginning to fill my room.

"Yeah, me too." Liz said, licking her lips.

                I leaned down and kissed her. She smiled through the kiss and it brought a smile to my face. I don't think I could ever want to stop kissing this girl. We could be in a huge fight, both saying things we'd regret. In the midst of it all I'd still want to kiss her.

                I pulled away after a good amount of time. I need to work on being able to hold my breath longer. Liz's got me beat by a good amount of time. If I was able to hold my breath longer who knows how long we'd be able to kiss for. That actually sounds really cool, I should definitely work on that.

                I grabbed Liz's hand and led her out of my room. By the time we got into the kitchen my Mom was setting the table. Liz dropped my hand and walked over to mom, asking if she could help with anything.  Of course mom agreed, handing Liz the rest of the plates while she went to get the cups. Before walking out of the kitchen, I placed a kiss on top of her head.

                I walked into the living room, where a football game was playing on the telly. My dad told me to sit next to him, and so I did. He asked me how the tour was going, and I didn't waste any time telling him how it's going. I know my dad's always loved hearing these crazy stories.

"Hey Niall, "Greg said once I was finished. Denise was in the kitchen with my mom and Liz, and I'm assuming that Theo was there with them.

"How come it took you so long to bring Liz to meet us? She's a great girl, comes off a little shy though." Greg said, taking a sip of his drink.

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