"Uh, no you're not!" Stiles argued back.

"I'm not?" Scott asked confused.

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you!" Stiles said. Gross! "If you go to her house tonight and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to god I will have you de-balled"Stiles exclaimed.

"Okay," Scott shouted. "Just stop with the questions please."

"Done!"He told him, I paid attention to the teacher. "No more questions" We paid attention to class.

I walked out of the school and stripped down my pants to show my running shorts. I was going to run to Deaton's since I have work today. I volunteered to work after closing for more money. I plugged in my music and started to run. As I ran I saw a traffic jam in the student parking lot. I ignored it and kept on going, I need to train for track and swim. I got to the clinic and set my backpack down in the lobby. I grabbed perfume out of my bag and sprayed myself with it, I probably stink. I then started my jobs. But before I could, I got a text from Jackson.

Hey there was a guy looking for you at school He told me. I just ignored the text.


I was chilling at the front desk after I did all the chores and my homework. When I finally opened my book, I heard the back door get pulled open. I ran back and was surprised at who I saw.

"Stiles? Derek?" I asked as they scurried into the operating room.

"Okay" Stiles said as he turned the lights on. He looked at me. "Aussie! Scott told me you would be here! I need someone with medical experience." I looked over at Derek.

"What happened to him?" I exclaimed, seeing the bullet hole, ignoring him shirtless. He put his arm on the table.

"I don't know.. He got shot!!!" Stiles sarcastically yelled at me. I glared at him as I put my attention on Derek.

"You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good nights sleep couldn't fix!" Stiles said. I gave him a 'really?' look.

"Once the infection reaches my heart" Derek gasped. "It'll kill me" He said. This is really serious.

"Positivity isn't your strong suit, is it?" Stiles asked. I started to look in the cupboards.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Scott needs to get here with the bullet that shot him, it's a special wolfsbane bullet" Stiles told me.I suddenly remembered two things.

"I give him 48 hours" Kate Argent said."

"Hey there was a guy looking for you" Jackson texted me.

"If Scott doesn't get here with the bullet in time.. last resort..." Derek said.

"Which is?" Stiles asked.

"You're going to cut off my arm" Derek said as he pulled out an animal saw. It took Stiles a minute to comprehend what he said, and then it looked like he would be sick.

Derek passed Stiles the saw.

"I'm not doing it!" Stiles exclaimed, passing it to me.

"Hell no!!" I told him, passing the saw back. He turned the saw on.

"Oh my god" He said as he set it down. Derek started to tie a tourniquet around his arm.

"Oh god" I said as I realized this is actually going to happen.

"What if you bleed to death?!" Stiles asked.

"It'll heal if it works" Derek said.

"I don't know if I can do this..." Stiles said.

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