Chapter 1

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Aramelles POV

Me and Emma are having a movie night after a really long time. I've been giddy the whole entire day. Sometimes I forget that I'm still a teenager. It's so surreal that I've become so mature in a short amount of time. My teenage life was literally ripped away from me. But it was for a good cause. I needed it to heal myself. 


Speaking of Mia. She's currently 4 months old and the most beautiful, precious baby I've ever seen. I know most parents are like that,but every time I take Mia out with me, people stop by and compliment her beauty. Mia is a fragile baby. Her immune system is weak due to my hard pregnancy. I've went through depression and don't forget the torture I received. It's still a miracle. My baby girl survived. For me... 

Thank god Mia is sleeping so me and Emma can have a girl's night. Finally I feel like a teenager again.

I'm still in high-school, but I take computer classes. I don't want to face the pack or Xavier... Thank god I have nothing to do with him. The only time I went over at his house was when I brought him Mia's picture. I rang the bell, put the envelope on the floor and ran for my life. 

Xavier does not deserve to see Mia. But I was still generous and gave him a picture. He hurt her by hurting me and now she's a fragile child because of him. 

I took my laptop and logged in my bank account to see that my father has again put some money for me and Mia. First I didn't want it, but than I thought about Mia's future. How am I going to take care of her? I've decided to finish high-school and go to college. So that I can give Mia a decent childhood. Without any problems. That's the least my father can do. 

I rarely talk to him anymore. He tried to visit Mia but I quickly denied. 

I was ripped out of my thoughts when I heard my door bell ring. Yay! Finally Emma is here. Took her long enough.

As soon as I opened the door I was hugged tightly by a very very happy Emma. I returned the hug, feeling somewhat homely again. She was the only female figure I had now. Without her I would be nothing. Literally nothing.

"I missed you so much! It feels like ages since we saw each other." Emma held my shoulders while looking me up and down. Like she can't believe I'm standing right in front of her. I giggled while shaking my head.

"I know the last time I had a girl's night was in my old town. It's so good to have you here. How's James doing?" I asked genuinely curious. "He's working now! At a publishing firm. Our savings are running out. You have to get money from somewhere." She said while chuckling slightly. Guilt was rising up in my chest. "Emma... I'm so sorry because of me you both gave up a good position in the pack. A life full of luxury... Please tell James he doesn't have to do this."

Emma sighed and made me face her. "Look Ara. We don't want to be in a pack were the Alpha is horrible and heartless. It was for the best. Yes we were living a luxurious life, but it's not worth it if we don't have a Luna. The pack will eventually go down." I nodded feeling better. She was right. The pack will fall, without a Luna. But I'm not going back. Not now. Not ever.

"Where is my little cutie pie I want to see her!" I laughed at her silly baby voice. "Ssh... She's sleeping, please don't wake her up. I need this girl night."

"Okay. I'll go stare at her like a creep and you bring the snacks into the living room kay?" I chuckled and put potato chips and popcorn in a bowl. Lemonade or coke? Yeah both is good. I took the bowls in my hand and soon Emma joined me with a helping hand.

"Damn girl! Your boobs are way bigger now. What did you do?" She asked eyeing them creepily. 

Oh god. 

"Emma. I'm breastfeeding. Of course my boobs will get bigger. They are producing milk." Didn't she learn that in school. Typical Emma.

"Oh my god really? I have to get pregnant soon!"

"Emma seriously this is not a game. It  hurts like a bitch sometimes but I still do it. I've heard that it's really good for your child."

She stuck her tongue out and I did the same. Gosh I missed this. Being a silly teenager with stupid problems. Emma's face turned suddenly sad as if she sensed it. "Aramelle... I know it's hard, but I'm here for you okay? Besides don't you want to start seeing other guys?" She smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.

"No definitely not. My wounds are still fresh and I'm trying really hard to heal from everything I've been through and Mia is helping me a lot. My main priority right now is Mia. I owe that to her. She deserves the best. I think it's to soon as well. I can't trust anyone right now. You, James and Mia are my safe heaven. Please don't ask me about it anymore..."

"I-I'm sorry it's just hard to see you sad. I want my old Aramelle back. The sweet and childish one." She said with teary eyes.

"Emma you do know that the Aramelle you want back, doesn't exist anymore. A child can really change you." I said smiling softly while thinking about my baby girl Mia.

"True. E-Ehm I don't know if I should tell you this, but I have heard from other pack members, that X-Xavier is taking anger management classes. Some people saw him enter the psychiatrist house here in town. I was shocked. He really wants you back."

Why is she telling me this? "I'm not taking him back Emma! He messed up really bad. I know that he regrets everything he did to us, but this is something I will never forget. Because of him Mia is really fragile and vulnerable. Because of him I had a hard pregnancy. Because of him I lost myself!" I stood up and started pacing around the living room.

"Hey ssh... Calm down please Ara. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked about him. He's an asshole and I understand that you don't want to hear anything from him. We will get through this together okay? We're going to find the old Aramelle and make her even better."

I just hugged her really tightly saying a silent thank you. Without Emma I would be in an asylum and Mia would be adopted by someone.

Mia's silent crying interrupted our emotional moment. I quickly opened the door to her room and saw her whining softly with her legs and arms up in the air. She's so cute. Her chubby cheeks make her look so innocent. Such a nice baby.

"Hi little one. Is someone asking for mommy?" I cooed while picking her up. She's hungry. Aww how cute. Mia is searching for my boob. I quickly undid the top part of my blouse and started breastfeeding her. I think this is such a precious bonding moment. And I'm going to relish in this moment as long as I can. She will grow up soon and I don't want that.

"Mommy will do anything for you princess. I love you."


Here is chapter 1! Don't worry it won't be boring for that long!:)

I want to thank every single one of you. Your support keeps me going. THANK YOU<3<3<3

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PS: Check out my other story 'My Antihero' !<3

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