Thank you and see you soon

"Guess I don't gotta just show up, I'm in."

"Cool, it's not like if every super gets accepted." He rolls his eyes and smiles.

" har har, can't you be a little bit happier?" I stand up from my desk and lay down next to static making sure I keep a foot of distance between us which I call the friendzone distance.

" I am happy, I can spend more time with my little cloud" he nudges me, I pushover him in return. My bed, my rules.

"Cloud? Is that your new nickname for me? You.... you... Pikachu!" I mutter, he erupts with laughter making me even more butthurt.

I shove him off the bed with my legs, he falls on the ground with a thump but still doesn't stop laughing.

My door slams open.

"Honey, I made you a sandwi-" my moms goes silent when static heads pop up from the other side of my bed.

"Mom?" I stammer, I'm unable to see static reaction but I want to die at the moment.

"Is that stat-"

"He's just a friend! I promise." I nudge static. He hasn't said anything and that's making the situation worse.

"Hello, Mrs. Williams. Nice to meet you." Static stands up and walks towards my mom, he's hand out for a handshake. My mom just stares at his gloved hand at pure disbelief.

"Um, hi static." She gently shakes his hand. "Just to be clear? You and static are friends that you hide under your bed??"

"NO, i mean yes? He saved me from tripping in a um puddle yesterday. And now where like friends. And I'm pretty sure he's gay." I stammer, why can't I shut up. " he has a boyfriend in england so don't have to worry about me! I'm good!"

Static faces me as quick as light (pun) and a horrified face takes over him.

I give him a weak smile and look at my mom.

"er honey, next time just make sure you tell me when you have any friends over. And I'm keep the umm" she points at the door" open please."

My mom turns around, her face still shocked as she walks away.

I wait a minute or so until I'm sure my mom is in the kitchen.

"Kill me now." I moan, static has made his way to my desk and is now sitting. Guess he wants to stay as far away to my bed as he can.

"Want me too? I can like kill you in seconds. Put some electricity in you" he tells me in a monotone voice. I can't figure out if he's kidding or not.

"Seems appealing but I'll pass." I cover my face with my hands.

"So I'm gay huh" static laughs.

"What! I couldn't think of anything, I promise my mom won't tell anyone that static told her he's gay." I remove my hands form my face and slowly start laughing.

Static also starts laughing. This whole situation is funny if you think about it. I'm in a room with a super. We were lying in the same bed. My mom comes in with a sandwich. Static and I are dying of laughter

Once the laughs dies down, static stands up

"Want to go to my favorite place?" He asks, an innocent smile on his lips. I smile back and sit up from the bed.

"Sure, but first I gotta ask the boss" I jerk my thumb towards the door.

"It's fine, I'll let her know." Static reassures me. "But put on your suit, I don't have bus fare."

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