Chapter 8

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"You stupid b*tch!" Blue shirt yells as he runs towards me, pulling a gun out of his pockets. I lift my left hand and blast him with more air than black shirt. Fear leaves my body as I see what I'm capable off.

Blue shirt slams against a window, his gun spirals on the ground. I calmly walk towards it and grab it from the ground. "Someone has a potty mouth." I smile as I grab blue shirt, ripping some of his shirt.

I turn him around, throwing him on the ground face down. I start tying his hands together in a tight knot.

"Hm, maybe Girl Scout is good for something" I smile as I finish the knot. I move on to black shirt and do the same. Both grunting in pain. I push them away from the door and stand in front of it. Raising my hands as I blast the door off, cops car and ambulances are outside, a fence of caution tape separating us.

Being as extra I can be, I blow the men outside. They land on the cement with a slam that will probably leave a scar. As I step out, cops and people are shocked at what they see. Seconds pass by until the cops figured out what to do. They rushed to the scene and picked up the guys. I see them getting thrown into a police car.

As I'm about to fly off, cameras and newscastors surround me. Catching me off guard, shoving there microphones into my face.

I start getting shy until I remember that I'm wearing a mask, confidence returns to my body as I hear the first question.

"Who are you?" "What's your name?" "Can we get an interview!"

I look all around, trying to find which question I should answer first. A CNN microphone is shoved right in my face, a camera with it as well. " who are you?"

I remember what Static told me about the news making a name for me. Well I guess I found a loophole.

I face the camera. " I'm Hydroa"

The cameras and flash all go off at the same time, questions bombarded me once again. Since I got to pick out my name, I'm out.

I start floating away as cameras stay focused on me as I drift away.


"Mom I'm home!" I walk through my front door, I take off my shoes and drop my bag.

I couldn't find static anywhere so I decided to just go home and relax. I walk into the living room, I see my mom sitting on the couch with popcorn in her arms.

"Oo yum!" I jump on the couch next my mom as I shove a handful of popcorn into my mouth.

"Things like this make me not want you as daughter." My mom stern face looks at me. A smile cracks when she sees me get more popcorn. "How was your day?"

"Normal, Tayler helped me out on my homework." I grab the control and switch channels.

Discovery channel
News about a new paladin
Donald tr-

Wait what? I click back. Am I on the news? The screen shows a woman talking in front of the same bank I went too.

"Since when do you like the news?" My mom asks, I ignore her. I want to hear everything.

"Today we have seen a new paladin. She goes by the name Hydroa. The new hero has just saved west Fargo bank from two criminals with weapons. Will she protect our city from now on? Back to you Robert."

The camera switches back to the recording studio. A guy with a funny mustache is now in the screen.

"Thank you Rebecca. Hydroa has certainly blew us away with her powers, as you can see from this never before seen security footage."

The tv is now showing me blowing the robbers at the window, and blue shirt pointing a gun at me, I mean "Hydroa", and blowing him away without hesitation. Almost effortless.

The screen changes back and Robert is talking about climate changes now. I lean back on the couch.

"That's great. New paladins" my mom munches, "stingray is still my favorite"

Stingray once, according to my mom, saved her from a school fire way back in the days. Been her role model ever since so I wouldn't blame her. But I'm still going to try to make her change her mind to black storm

"Of course he is mom." I stand up, "um mom, I have to go to sleep. School got me overworked.

"Carter, its 6. Are you feeling okay?" She questions, I nod as I walk off to my room.

I was about to lay on my bed when my phone starts ringing. I answer it without checking caller ID.

"Carter! Is that you!" Tayler voice screeches, I back away from the phone and give a small laugh.

" yes it's me?"

"No! On tv! Is it you?"

"No, psh that's Hydroa." A smile creeps on my lips

"Omfg! Your epic! You went bam and he went swosh and you went slam and bam and it was incredible"

"Um thank you?"

"Carter! You have to go to Kent school, you have to be the best paladin." And with that she hangs up the phone.

I giggle, maybe Tayler is right and I should just go without thinking it twice.

I put my phone on the night stand, my suit snuggles underneath my pillow. You never know when help is needed.

My eyes close, and my mind drifts to static removing his mask and underneath the mask is


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