4. The Other Flash

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"Your dad get off okay?" Joe asks as him and Barry got off the elevator at the lab

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"Your dad get off okay?" Joe asks as him and Barry got off the elevator at the lab.

"Yeah, I just dropped him off at the station" he replies sadly.

"You good?"

"I don't know. It just feels like every time I win, I still lose" Barry sighs as they enter the cortex where Barry is immediately attacked by Cisco.

Not literally.

"Hey, guess what? I added a little upgrade to your suit" Cisco walks him to the mannequin where his suit was dressed on.

"It's just like the one from the future newspaper Gideon showed us. I was thinking, you know, you shouldn't fear the future anymore" Cisco says before pointing out the lighting bolt that is in the chest but now it was placed on top of a white background instead of the red.

"I like it" Brooke walks up to them with a bag of popcorn,"The lightning definitely pops more against the white"

"And S.T.A.R. labs is now safer than ever. Increased security and surveillance. Re-coded, double firewalled, electronic lock sets. Nothing is getting through here without us knowing" Cisco smiles proudly and Brooke raises an eyebrow at him.

"So people can't just waltz in and out of here?" She asks him and he nods.

"Exactly" he replies but apparently too fast because as he says that, a tall figure walks into the doorway of the cortex, revealing himself as a man with shaggy hair.

"For real?" Cisco whines and Barry stands in front of them.

Joe pulls his gun out, pointing at the unknown man.

"Stay where you are" Joe commands.

"Who are you?" Barry crosses his arms.

"You don't know me, but I know you Barry Allen" is all the man says before taking a step forward into the cortex.

"Take one more step, it'll be the last step you take. The man asked you a question. Who the hell are you?" Joe says threateningly.

"My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger" he replies and everyone looks at each other confused.

"Please just let me explain. I mean you no harm" Jay holds his hands up in surrender.

"How do you know my name?" Barry asks.

"I know all your names. Caitlin Snow, Brooke Baker, Cisco Ramon, Detective Joe West-" he starts but is cut off by Joe.

Godspeed {book two}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora