Chapter Thirteen

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Saya: HELLO!!!!!! I will have a little recap of what happened!


"Hokage-Sama! Why am I fighting an ex-ANBU?" I questioned looking at the Hokage which made him stiffened

"W-when did you figure it out?" 'Botan' asked

"While I was still in deep thoughts at the beginning of the match~. I saw that you had a large amount of chakra with my Bakugan. I then figured it out" I smiled 

"Do you know who I am?" 'Botan' asked

"Of course~. I was surprised that Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke didn't notice yet" I laughed

"I see so you do know" 'Botan' said

"Genma! Tatsu wins this round. She has beaten ______________ so now she may pass" Hokage said surprising some people

"EH!?!?!?!?!" all the students shouted including some sensei's

Saya: YAY! That is all for now anyways on with the story



"What do you mean Gramps?!" I Shouted

"You see Naruto. Before I was gonna fight 'Botan' I noticed that he had a large chakra. Too much to be a genin. I then look around and spectated the audience and noticed Kakashi looking a bit strange and his chakra a bit off. So I then came to conclude that 'Botan' is actually Kakashi and the Kakashi with you is actually a clone" Tatsu explained

'Huh? She figured all of that out?! Wow! Tatsu is really smart' I thought

"Congratulations, Tatsu.  Now to those who have made it to the main matches of the Chuunin Exam's Third Exam. All but one are here, so congratulations" Hayate said

"I will now begin the explanation for the main matches," Gramps said

'Finally' I thought

"Your main match fights will be shown in front of everyone. We wish for all of you to show off your abilities as your country's representative power. Therefore, the main matches will begin in one month" Gramps said

"Eh? We're not going to do it right here, right now?" I asked confused

"The one month is a time to conduct appropriate preparations," Gramps said

"What do you mean?" Neji asked

"In other words, we are going to announce to the feudal lords and head ninja of the individual countries that the preliminary matches have ended. And that time is needed to gather those people for the main matches. This is also preparations time for you genins to get ready and train. This time is used so you can know your enemy and yourself better. It is a time to analyze the information you have gathered during the preliminary matches. The battles we had were just like real combat situations. It has been done where both parties knew nothing of each other. But the main matches will not be like that. There are those who have revealed everything to their rivals. To make things fair, work hard and improve yourself on your own in the next month" Gramps explained

'I cannot win in my current state. I cannot just fool around this next month. I need to get serious' I thought

"So, I want to let you guys go, but there is something important we must do before the main matches," Gramps said

"What is it? I have to hurry and train!" I yelled

"Calm yourself, Naruto. Hokage-Sama will say what he has to say" Tatsu said while putting her hand on my shoulder

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