Special Chapter #1

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SWITCHING BODIES?! (Saya: This is for Ohimesama. She wanted a story about Tatsu and her teammates switching bodies so this Special Chapter will be about Tatsu and her teammates switching bodies for a day but I changed it just a slight bit. Not just for a day but for 2 days or 3

Tatsu's POV
Team Eclipse was sent out on a mission. Our mission was to sneak into a Club and take a bottle filled with blue stuff? But anyways that is our mission. We sneak into a a Club looking like adults and since I was the only girl I had to get close to the Boss and try to seduce him then go into his room *shuders* and find the blue bottle stuff. Sounds esay enough righ? Wrong! Lets go in the past to find out what happened
Flash Back~~~~~~
"Team Eclipse are you ready?" Rei-sensei asked
"Yes" We replied
"Okay since we are going into a club you will need to put a Genjutsu on you to look older" Rei-sensei said
"Okay!" Tsubasa shouted then poof a handsome 20 year old was in front of me.
Tsubasa was about Rei-sensei's height, he also had a deep voice, black hair and red eyes. Next was Taji. Taji was a bit taller than Rei-sensei, he also had a calm soothing voice with blue hair and deep blue sea eyes. Finally it was my turn, I was 2 cm shorter than Tsubasa, I had long purple hair with purple eyes, a sexy/curvy body (Saya: Which means she has huge breasts and a butt), with a magical voice (Saya: It sounds so beautiful that she called it magical). We went to a store and quickly got into our outfits. Tsubasa was wearing a black shirt with black pants as well. Taji was wearing a grey shirt with loose black pants. While I had a revealing red dress and had a mini purse with me with kunai's just in case. After getting ready we left to the club
"Hold it we need you identification first" two guys said
Taji and Tsubasa showed them there id and was let in but for me I seduced them by showing them my rather large breast by squeezing them together and had a pout on my face. Immediently they let me in right away
"Way to go Tatsu" Tsubasa whisphered 
"I'm trying to see if I could seduce them. Now you two get information about other things while I look for the Boss. Once you start hearing yelling just get out" I said and they nodded
We separated to gather information. Tsubasa went to a lady and asked her about the Akastuki's and who is in it. Taji went to a group of people, he started getting along with them then they shared secrets which was a good thing since he is gathering information about people. I went to look for an over jeweled fat man with ladies surronding him which was not hard at at. Now my plan was to order a drink and then once I grabbed then drink I would walk and make sure he is watching me. I will then trip which of course my butt will stick up in the air and my breast will be sticking out,kinda, which will make him come to me and help me. After that I would make up a sad story about my ex-boyfriend leaving me and about how much I loved him since he helped me up. I walked up to the counter
"Hello there beautiful what would you like?" the man asked looking at my breast
"Ahem my face is up here sweetcheeks. Also I would like to have some wine please" I said
"Coming right up. Here you go and how about a little tip on the cheeks huh?" he asked
"Ok sure" I said and stuck a penny on his cheek
'Oh that is a very pretty blue bottle' I thought then left
I walked and then soon tripped which made many boys blush. As well as Tsubasa and Taji? Weird. Wait that's right! They have to play along as well
"Are you alright?" the fat man said coming up to me
"Y-yes I am fine" I said with crocodile tears
"But your hurt! I cannot leave you like this! Come with me in my room" he insisted 
"T-thank you" I said and followed him inside his room
"What's you name sweet heart?" he asked
"M-my name is Ruki Naniki" I lied
"Ruki? That is such a beatiful name. My name is Plm" Plm said
"Plm?" I questioned
"Its a weird name but anyways why are you here?" Plm asked
"Y-you see me and my boyfriend broke up about a month ago and I want to try to get over him b-but I just cant! I loved him! We were thinking about marrying someday and raising our own family" I cried hugging Plm
"Shush! Don't cry. How about creating a family with me?" Plm asked
"*fake gasp* R-really! I would love to have your child Plm! You saved me and now I'm madly in love!" I said hugging this fat neck
"Lay on the bed and take off your clothes now!" Plm comanded
"W-what?!" I yelped in surprise and was thrown on the bed
Plm stripped quickly as I just started to take of my dress until...BAM! I hit him in his neck and then he passed out. I looked all over his room looking for the blue bottle but I couldn't find it anywhere until realization strucked me. The blue bottle was where that other guy was at! I ran out of the room then quickly stole the blue bottle which caused an alarm to go off then yelling happened
"Stop that girl! She's a theif!" Plm shouted but he was too far away
I then reached a water fall while Taji and Tsubasa finally came
"So what information did you guys find?" I asked
"Well I found out that the Akastuki's members contain Sasori of the Red Sand, Deidara, Itachi, Kisame, Hidan and Kazuka but that was all I got" Tsubasa said
"I was able to get information about many things like slaves being transported, an Akastuki's base and many more" Taji said
We then got out of the Genjutsu and started walking while Tsubasa was holding the bottle. Tsubasa suddenly tripped and was holding on to Taji which made him fall and then there was me trying too help them but then the blue bottle broke and got all over us
"Huh? Why does my chest feel heavy" Taji said
"How come I feel stronger than before?" Tsubasa questioned 
"Why does my private area feel heavy?" I questoned as well 
We all opened our eyes and saw that WE HAD SWITCHED BODIES!
Present Time~~~~

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