Chapter Six

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Sasuke's POV

"I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to kill that old man" Zabuza said
After Tazuna said that I ran infront of Tazuna while Sakura and Naruto was on the sides.  Tatsu and her team still stayed next to Kakashi-sensei
"What are you doing Tatsu go back and protect Tazuna with your team" Kakashi-sensei said
"If we go back that means we are backing down" Taji explained
"Well this is an order and stand back" Kakashi-sensei stated 
Tatsu, Taji and Tsubasa could not disobey Kakashi-sensei so they stepped back and helped us watch Tazuna. Zabuza grabbed his sword and was gone, so fast. I then turned to my right and saw Zabuza STNADING?! on the water. 
"He's there" Naruto shouted
"And he's standing on water?!" Sakura said surprised
"Mist Concealment" Zabuza said then suddenly the whole place became foggy 
"Don't worry I can sense him and he's know where close by us" Tatsu said which reassured us
"The larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular vein, collarbone, kidney and heart. Now which vital organ do you want to get struck at?" Zabuza said
"Hmmm...I think the heart because then its much faster but yet again if you hit the kidney they will slowly and painfully die so I think the kidney would be better!" Tsubasa shouted which made me glare at him
"Shut up!" I shouted
"Heh I like the kid" Zabuza said
'What an intense thirst for blood. One breathing motion or one eye movement we will be detected, and it will get me killed. If I stay here for an hour I will lose my mind! The murderous intent of two Jounins clashing. The feeling like my life is in someones hand. No I would rather kill myself to escape this feeling! Is this how Team Eclipse fights on every single mission?!' I thought ready to stab my self in the stomach but then something soft stopped me from doing so. I looked and saw Tatsu stopping me 
"Don't do it. Kakashi was a former ANBU so he is incredibly strong. Besides Team Eclipse is here as well and we have been sent on A-ranks and S-rank missions all the time so we know what where doing. Even thought Tsubasa doesn't show it he is incredibly strong as well. Same with Taji. And remember about Meliodas as well" Tatsu said 
"Sasuke. Don't worry. I'll protect the 6 of you with all my life but even if I fail Team Eclipse is probably stronger than me so they will protect you as well" Kakashi-sensei said
"I don't know about that" Zabuza said and appeared behind us by Tazuna
Quickly Tatsu grabbed her Kunai knife and stabbed him in the heart which scared me but instead of blood it was water?!
"Kakashi-sensei, Taji and Tsubasa. Did you get it?" Tatsu asked
"Yeah" Taji said
"Of course I did!" Tsubasa shouted
"Thank you for protecting Tazuna. I hope you guys will protect Team 7 as well" Kakashi-sensei said
"Of course we will" Tatsu said
Time-skip to Kakashi stuck in the ball of water
"Everyone! Run and take Tazuna with you!" Kakashi-sensei shouted
"WHAT?! Why Team Eclipse can take him on!" Naruto shouted
"Team Eclipse this is an order! I order you to take Tazuna and Team 7 as far away as you can and don't look back!" Kakashi-sensei shouted which surprised us
"WHAT?! We won't be going back at all!" Naruto shouted struggling against Tsubasa's hold 
"Kakashi-sensei we don't want to leave you!" Sakura shouted
We were about a couple of feet away from Kakashi-sensei and Zabuza
"WHY! Why did you take us away from Kakashi-sensei?! He said you are probably stronger than him so why didn't you save him instead?!" Naruto snapped
"Meliodas, Taji and Tsubasa as Crescent I order you to take Tazuna home!" Tatsu shouted
"WHAT?! B-but what about you Tatsu?" Tsubasa asked
"I never used a Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu in S-ranks missions before. I'm sure I will be able to help Kakashi sensei" Tatsu said
"F-fine but what about Team 7?" Tsubasa said
"Take Sakura with you" Tatsu said
"Huh?! Why only me?" Sakura argued
"Sakura you have great chakra inside you and since your a Haruno you can control it very easily. I want you to go back and heal Tazuna and check if he is okay. Sakura being a healer is very important. If your gone then everyone will die. Will you take the job?" Tatsu asked
"I will" Sakura said
"Good. Meliodas please carry Tazuna and Sakura. Taji, Tsubasa I want you to create a shadow clone and take front, back and both sides. Now go!" Tatsu ordered and then they disappeared
"Is that how you work on every mission?" I asked
"No this is my first time I am doing something without permission" Tatsu said which surprised us
"Then why are you doing it? Won't you get in trouble?" Naruto said
"You guys love your sensei so of course I can't just go away and he gets killed" Tatsu said
"B-but how are we gonna do it?" Naruto said
"Naruto I want you to transform into the Shadow Shuriken. Sasuke will throw you to the real Zabuza while I get his water clone. After Sasuke throws you another will appear and cause Zabuza to let go of his Ninjutsu. Now lets go!" Tatsu shouted and we got into position
We ran and saw Kakashi-sensei was still stuck in Zabuza's Ninjutsu
"HUH?! I told you to go back! What happened to your order?" Kakashi-sensei shouted
"I disobeyed and said new orders" Tatsu said
"HYAH!" I shouted while I threw the Shadow Shuriken (Naruto) at the real Zabuza while Tatsu took care of Zabuza's water clone
Zabuza dodge the other Shadow Shuriken but what Zabuza didn't know was that the other shuriken was actually Naruto. Naruto came out and threw a kunai at Zabuza which caused him to let go of Kakashi out of surprise. Suddenly a Senbon came and hit Zabuza making him dead 
Time skip (Saya: Sorry I'm just lazy)

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