Chapter Ten: The Early Winter

Depuis le début

We sat in the living room, waiting for Cylene to come down. "So, uh," I tried to start a conversation, "where exactly are you taking Cylene?"

"Don't you know? We're celebrating Early Winter." she said.

"Early what?" I asked.

"Early Winter. I guess Cylene never told you about it. It's a long story, though."

"Can I come?" I questioned.

I swear she almost laughed. "Cole, by the name, 'Early winter' I'm guessing you'll never want to come."

I mentally facepalmed myself. How can I be so stupid? Early Winter...they're obviously going somewhere cold.

"She's right," Cylene said, appearing from the stairs, "You can't come."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, whatever." I can sense Aesha smiling beside me.

"Come on, ice girl, we still need to get Kennedy and Brent, right?" Cylene said while they both walked towards the door. Aesha nodded in response and they went out, leaving me alone in the house.

What's the best thing to do? Follow them, of course.


Ever since I knew about Aesha's ice powers-which was just that other day-my hatred for her never increased. In fact, I began to like her little by little because of her being her, not her powers. But I figured that someday, both of us would hurt each other, and in one way or another, one of us would really be defeated by the other element.

So yeah, whether we like or hate each other, we would still get hurt.

I know I'm putting myself into trouble if I follow them. But I felt like I need to follow them, just like what I felt during that party.

I followed them to what seems like an abandoned warehouse. I parked my motorcyle nowhere near them, and hid. The group was made up of Aesha, Cylene, their friends (named Brent and Kennedy, I guess) and the twins, Sean and Shaelon themselves. They all wore winter clothing, just like Cylene, except for Aesha. The group went inside the warehouse.

What are they going to do?


Aesha's POV

"You picked a warehouset o be the venue of Early Winter?!" Shaelon asked in disbelief.

I shrugged. "Please, guys. It's not that bad. Trust me, I'll make this place nicer than before."

"Better make it quick ice queen. Even if it's Autumn, I'm sweating here." Brent complained.

Kennedy nudged him. "That's because you're wearing winter clothes, idiot."

Cylene smirked at the sight of them fighting. "Okay, Aesha, do your thing."

They all stood near the doorway while I built the perfect Early Winter Wonderland. I coated the dusty floor with snow and then ice., like the one in the cave only the ice this time wasn't see through. I made sure the ice was thick and smooth. I made the ice creep up to the walls, and then to the ceiling. A  glowing blue  ice chandelier hung above and to make sure the warehouse was illuminated when it gets dark, I added more blue light in a vertical ice tube and put them in each corner of the area. This was the skating rink.

I had a space somewhere beside the rink filled with fluffy snow and created snow sculptures for snow fights later. And for the third part of the wonderland, I made an ice slide for them to have fun on and turned the air real cold. Lastly, I opened the little closets where I placed the prepared ice skates and sleds beforehand.

Ice and SnowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant