Everything has Changed 2

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After talking to Jacob the other day. I got more information from him like how Edward end up to be the youngest billionaire in the world and he owns a lot of enterprises, restaurants, clubs, hospitals, and casinos all around the world. I was actually suprise of how he managed all of it while he go and play around like a little kid and haunt a woman at night for him to bed. Jacob told me about Tanya's obsession with him and how she fell even more for Edward, knowing about his money and richness. I rolled my eyes at this.

Today, I'm at Angela's place and I ended up chatting with Rosalie Hale, a model like me and a business woman who inherited her father's business, and my new best friend.

"Do you, by chance know Emmett Cullen?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, what about him?"

"He's totally hot. Have you by chance saw him tonight?"

"No, I was sitting with you since I got here, Rose."

"Oh...yeah...I forgot." She said and look around the room.

"Oh My God! Is that... Edward Cullen?" Her eyes widen from the direction behind me.

"And?" I asked, uninterested. Taking a sip from my cup.

She look at me like I was weird.

"You've got to be kidding me Bella." She scowled and rolled her eyes. "We're talking about Edward Cullen here a.k.a hottest and youngest billionaire."

"Don't know and don't care." I shrugged.

She huffed and cross her arms on her chest. Later on, a smile was drawn her face looking behind me.

"Bella." A velvet familiar voice said behind me. I tensed but brush it off and turn my head to see him behind me holding a glass of champagne in between his fingers.

I look at him, blankly. No emotion or expression shown on my face. He's still the same but more matured this time with the beard that is starting to grow around his mouth, his sculpted body more muscular than last time. He's wearing a unbottoned polo shirt, a white t-shirt underneath and a dark blue jeans with a matching brown shoes.

"Good to see you here." I said, plainly. Not bothering to invite him to sit down.


Rose cleared her throat dismissing the awkward silence between us. Our gaze turn to her, looking at her with a concern look.

Then it hit me.

"Rosalie Hale this is Edward Cullen. Edward, Rosalie." I said, introducing them to one another.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Hale." He smiled at her as he offer his hand for her to shake it. She gladly accept it with a big grin on her lips as for me I rolled my eyes

"Why don't you sit down. So you could talk more comfortable." She offered. I was about to protest when he hurried to sit on the chair beside Rosalie, which is facing me.

We stared at one another as our eyes contact. Rosalie noticed it so she stood up from her chair getting our attention.

"I'll just go and dance." She informed and walk in to the dance floor.

My head snapped towards him and I caught him staring at me.

"Long time."

"I guess it is. How are you, Edward?"

"I'm doing great." He answered. "Where have you been?" He blurted.

"Let's see." I said, tapping my finger to my chin, acting like I was thinking which I am. "I woke up one morning went to the movies, saw something that I shouldn't see, end up crying, father suggesting for me to roam around the world, I ended up in LA, settled there for awhile, becoming a model then having a vacation so I decided to visit this old town, and now here I am getting used to the rumors and talking to Mr. Cullen, which is you."

"I'm sorry?" He said feeling guilty.

"Yeah, yeah. Its a pretty easy word to say." I sneered, taking a sip from my vodka.

"I really am."

"And I don't care." I slurred. My eyes boring to him.

His eyes darkened then his jaw clenched. He's mad and I know it but furtherless I don't give a damn.

"If I may ask, Edward. What are you sorry for?"

He kept quiet and he looked down at the ground.

Still silence between both of us. My patience is wearing thin and I don't like it.

I drink all my vodka and slammed the glass on the table. Without looking at him I headed to the dance floor.

I move my hips like a wild girl. Partying wildly. I took a glance at him and he seems so shocked. That's right Edward, I'm not your naiivé Bella anymore. I smiled at that thought and continued to dance.

I bumped into someone and probably almost knocked her off the ground.

"Hey, watch were your-" A familiar high pitch voice said. I spun around to look at her and my my. Look who we have here.

Her eyes widen and shook her head muttering some word. I smirked at her.

"B-bel-la?" She stuttered. My smirk grew wider.

"Tanya." I responsed.

"Lovely to see you here." I said, acting all happy. She just stared at me but quickly smiled. Fake.

"No hugs?" I pouted.

She awkwardly shifted and take a step towards me then hug me awkwardly. I love how uncomfortable I'm making her.

She let go of me. I pretended to look at my watch then to her.

"I have to go. See you around." I waved, walking out of the dance floor. She faked a smile as she wave towards me.

I completely turn my back to her but I steal a glance and I found her frowning and muttering some words while throwing daggers at me.

She quickly smiled and wave at me once she noticed it and I smiled then flipped my hair walking out completely.

I found Angela with Ben,Alice Brandon , and Jasper Hale, who is talking to Edward. I made my way towards them and they smiled except for Edward who looked down at the floor.

"Bella." Alice chirpped and made her way towards me, giving me a bone crushing hug. Alice might be small and a pixie like but she sure is strong.

"Alice." I said as I return the hug. We let go after a second and she looked at me from head to toe. She seems suprised but she quickly smiled at me.

"Nice taste in choosing clothes." She complimented.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I think we should go shopping together."

Her eyes twinkled with excitement and her smiled grew wider.

"I would totally love it." She exclaimed.

"Hey, Bella." Ben greeted.

"Hi Ben, Jasper, Edward." I said, smiling.

"Bella." Jasper nodded.




I promise to make it up for the next chapter.

~Ji Yah

This GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon