Playgrounds and Axes

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So this is a lucid dream. A lucid dream means that you know that you're dreaming and can control your dreams. So I was watching some little kids on a merri-go-round when I realized I was dreaming. So I was like cool what can I do? So I tried to fly and it worked so I flew around a little bit. Suddenly, a man raced out of the woods near the playground with a pack of dogs. I screamed and flew all the kids inside the school house (including my older brother who was now younger than me). The man tried to get in but couldn't. He started to creepily walk around the school house. The dogs followed his every move. Finally, he went back into the woods and left the dogs to guard the house. Eventually, he came back with an axe. He started to chop open the wooden door of the school house. I was scared and then I remembered that this was a dream. I used my imagined super strength to rip a hole in the side if the school house and proceeded to throw the dogs back into the woods. The man growled and came at me with his axe. I flew out of the way and grabbed his axe before breaking it in two. He ran off into the woods while the rest of the dogs followed him. That was my first lucid dream but not my last.

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