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Alice's POV (Aquarius)

"Gabriella and Victor, check." I say, crossing them off on my list.

"Gavin and Sophia, check." Cameron adds.

"But they haven't made any romantic advancements?"

"Oh, they did. Gavin told me that he confessed last night." Cameron grins.

"While she was drunk?"

"Guess that was his strategy." He shrugs, "But now we have to shift our focus: Asher and Taylor."

I nod in response. We both stand from the couch without saying a word, like silent communication. I call out to the house, "Cam and I have an idea for something to do!"

"I have a hangover!" Someone calls.

"Crud. I forgot about their hangovers." Cameron mutters.

"Crud? Since when do you say crud?" I laugh, continuing, "We'll get Audrey to make her famous hangover cure smoothies."

Audrey comes downstairs, along with everyone else, and makes the smoothies for those that were drunk last night. The smoothie looks disgusting, a nasty green-ish color with mysterious substances inside. She pours the smoothie, which seems like glop, into glasses and places them in front of the hungover housemates. 

"Enjoy." She smirks.

Asher gulps it down, making a face, "Sis, what the hell did you put in this? Ogre shit?" 

"This looks like Shrek's puke." Levi says, observing the drink.

"Do you want to get rid of your headache or not?" Audrey asks, annoyed.

"Fine, fine." Levi cautiously sips his drink.

"That's why you don't get super drunk." Savannah says, like a mother would.

"So, what was the idea, guys?" Carson asks Cameron and me.


Asher suddenly slams down his glass, his face full of excitement, "No one can beat me at fencing."

Everyone slowly turns their head to look at him, who's eyes are so wide that he looks like a maniac.

"I beg to differ." Taylor retorts. The remaining people "Oooooh." Cameron gives me a subtle high-five.

Step 1: Competition


"Could we do teams? I don't want to go against Gabi." Victor says, his arm wrapped around Gabriella's shoulders.

"Nope. 1 on 1." Cameron shakes his head.

"Let's go, T." Asher pushes his hands down on the table, standing.

"Get ready to get your ass handed to you, Ash." Taylor laughs.

"Oh, really? You don't know what I'm capable of." He furrows his brow.

"I know you're capable of losing to me, that's for sure." Taylor stands, too.

"Okay, okay. Let's wait until the fencing actually starts." I run between them, who are now standing face-to-face and continue, "Everyone choose who'd you like to fence. I'll go ahead and fence Cam."

The room erupted, people rushing to one another to find who they would battle. Victor and Gabriella have a difficult time separating, but decide to go with other people so they don't have to fight each other. Crazy lovebirds.

The pairs worked out like so:

Myself and Cameron

Taylor and Asher (obviously)

Sam and Levi

Savannah and Lily

Gavin and Sophia

Lia and Carson (surprising, right?)

Seth and Trevor (not so surprising)

Alex and Lucas

Claire and Paige

Vanessa and Caroline

Gabriella and Audrey

Parker and Victor

"Actually, I'd like to add an extra challenge. While you fence, you must ask each other and answer questions. This way you can all know each a bit better." Cameron says. I nudge him, showing him that I think it's a good idea. Great for the plan.

Then it was time. And what ensued was quite, uh, memorable.

Asher's POV (Aries)

"Questions, huh? I have one for you: why do you have such a big ego?" Taylor says, coming up to me, wearing her white fencing jacket, her mask in one hand and her sword in the other.

"Ha, ha, ha. Aren't you a funny one?" I say sarcastically.

"You're not gonna be laughing when I beat you." She grins.

"Let's see about that." I slip on my mask and ready my sword. 

"How 'bout you start the questions?" She asks, also getting ready.

"Okay, I'll start easy: what's your favorite animal?"

"Dog. Now I'll start hard: who's the last person you hooked up with?" She asks.

"Why do you want to know?" I say, the corner of my mouth slyly turning upward.

"Shut up, douche, just answer the question." She rolls her eyes playfully, her sword still pointed at me. 

I think for a moment and then answer, "I don't remember."

"What? How could you not remember?"

"I thought it was my turn to ask a question." I say.

"You're turn's been automatically passed. Again, how could you not remember?"

"I don't know. It was a little while ago, and we were both pretty drunk."

"But you should still remember her name!"

"It's not like she remembers mine. It's fine, T."

"How do you know? She probably does!" Her voice raises a bit.

I raise my sword and repeat, "Why do you even care?" My voice started to raise, too.

"I don't!"

"Yes, you do! You obviously do!"

"I told you, I don't! But if you're going to be hooking up with other girls, you should at least remember their names!"

"I don't care about remembering her name because I don't care about her! I care about you, okay?! I like you, Taylor, not her!"

"Well, you know what? I like you, too!" She yells.


"Fine!" She storms off, seeming angry, but kind of confused.

I shake my head, trying to understand what just happened. I see Cameron and Alice happily chatting in the corner, so I walk up to them to take my mind off of the fight. I explain to them the altercation, and all Cameron says is, "You do realize you both confessed to each other, right?"

Oh, wait...

aghhh sorry this chapter has so much dialogue and is kinda really lame!!! i've just been waiting to do the exchange between Taylor and Asher for forever now so I finally decided to do it!! hope y'all like it at least a little ahaha and have a good day

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