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Alex's POV (Aquarius)

As everyone chats, I scroll through old pictures on my phone. I come across a picture of me standing next to my mother. I looked like a loser, but I was happy because I was finally taller than her, even in her heels. I had the worst haircut and the nerdiest clothing, but I was happy because I was standing next to the person I looked up to the most.

"Momma's boy, I see?" Claire laughs, and takes a seat besides me. 

I jump a little at first, surprised by her sudden appearance. 

"Yeah, I was, wasn't I?" I smile a little.

"Was?" She frowns, "What do you m- oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Her voice goes quiet.

"It's okay." I shrug.

People usually assume that my mother is dead, but she really isn't. It's easier to say that she is, though. Not that long ago, she became a major drug addict. She lost everything after that. She lost what it meant to be a mother, and she lost her only son.

I quickly snap out of my thoughts when Claire begins to speak again.

"Well, I started this conversation on the wrong foot." She awkwardly shifts in her seat, "So, uhm, how are you?" 

"I'm alright, how about you?"

"I'm good, thanks. I actually came over here to ask if you wanted to come hang out with the rest of the group. They were concerned about why you were over here alone. I offered to come talk to you." She explains with a light smile.

"Oh, okay. I'll come over with you guys, then." I stand with her to join the rest.

(Sorry it's a short perspective, but it was kinda depressing lmao)

Vanessa's POV (Virgo)

"Who's more likely to spill? Claire or Paige?" Caroline asks.

We are about to set our plan to find out Taylor's crush into motion. Paige and Claire are those who know about her crush, and their our gateway into finding out. All we have to do is pull it out of them when they don't expect it.

"Paige, of course. She's always got her head in the clouds. Plus, Claire's busy talking to Alex over there." I answer.

"Oooh, Claire and Alex sitting in a tree-"

"Don't get off track! You get Paige over here and distract her with something to think about, and then I'll swoop in and get it out of her. Sounds good?"

"Sounds great. YOOHOO, PAIGE!" She calls her over. "So, I've been thinking about having some kind of mural on one of my bedroom walls. Wouldn't that be cool? Like some big drawing on the wall, maybe of flowers or the sky or something? You get the point, right? Would that be cool? Can you envision that?"

Smart. Bombard her with questions, and then bring in creativity and something she can imagine. Now Paige's mind will be on picturing a mural, and she won't realize telling me who Taylor likes.

"I can see that. Flowers would be cool. You could have some daisies and roses and lilies-OH-maybe even a ladybug or a butterfly? And then you could have a pretty blue sky and the sun at the top. You can even put some dew drops on the grass and flower petals to make it look like it had rained and the sun just came out..." Paige rambles.

"Hey, Paige?" I start.

"Hmm.." She responds, obviously not paying attention.

"I feel like Taylor needs a boyfriend. I was thinking about setting her up with-uh" I quickly scan the room to find a random guy, "-Lucas!" 

"No, no. She doesn't like him." Paige mumbles while she daydreams.

"Then who does she like?"

"Asher." She replies softly. She then stops for a moment, her eyes widening, "Wait, I wasn't supposed to say that to you. Oh no, Taylor's gonna kill me." 

"It's okay, we won't tell her you said anything." Caroline smiles.

"Thank you so much. I'm gonna go draw out this mural now." She skips off.

I grin and give Caroline a high-five. Now for phase two of the plan. We'll need Alice and Cameron's help for this.

Cameron's POV (Capricorn)

"I'm proud of Seth. Look at him over there, flirting his ass off like a man." Alice nudges me as we walk. We're all hiking up a large hill, and Seth leads the way, along with his crush. 

"Me too. He's really-" I get interrupted by my phone ringing.

"You still have service up here?" Alice asks. She almost seems upset that our conversation was interrupted. 

"I guess." I shrug. I take my phone out of my pocket and answer the call, raising the phone to my right ear. 

"Who is it?" Alice questions.

"Caroline. She says it's about Taylor and Asher." 

"Oh! We should head back to the camp so you can get better reception. This is important." Alice turns to the rest of the group and announces, "Hey, Cam's got a call, so we're heading down!"

Seth gives a thumbs-up in reply and continues on with everyone else. Alice and I begin to walk down the hill as I put the call on speaker so that Alice can hear.

"Since you guys are the match-makers, we thought you could help. We found out that Taylor likes Asher, so we need to find a way to get him to like her, too." Caroline says over the phone.

"Wait, Taylor likes him back?" I ask.

"Back? So Asher likes her already?" I hear Vanessa comment.

"Well, isn't this perfect!" Alice adds, excitedly. 

"I know just what to do." I say.

Trevor's POV (Taurus)

"So, you're plan didn't really work then, did it?" I ask Seth, who I'm walking beside.

"What do you mean?"

"You came out here to get out of the house, but half of the house followed you out." I laugh.

He laughs, too, and replies with, "It's okay. It's still nice to get outside, and it's good to have company."

"Hey, Cam's got a call, so we're heading down!" We hear Alice call to us. Seth turns to her and gives her a thumbs-up.

"What do you think that's about?" I ask him.

He shrugs and says, "Probably some relationship drama in the house."

"I wonder what they're doing there."

"Nothing could be better than what we're doing." He chuckles.

"I agree."

eh idk not my best chapter but i promise the next will be better. love y'all!


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