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Lily's POV (Libra)

"What's going on in there?" Trevor mutters to Seth as we walk up to the house, the music blasting so loud that we could hear it from down the street. Actually, now that I think about it, Trevor and Seth have been hanging out a lot recently. I don't think they ever separated for longer than 5 minutes over the trip. Should I report that to Cameron and Alice?

Nah, that's not the focus right now. Besides, they have enough on their hands with the other relationships in the house. Right now we need to find out why it sounds like our housemates are hosting their own strip club. 

Seth rings the doorbell and waits patiently, the rest of us standing behind him. 

Gavin partly opens the door, blocking our view from the rest of the room. He gives a large, seemingly nervous smile and says, "Hey, guys! Welcome back! How was the trip? Tell me all about it!"

"It was great. We'll tell you more about it inside-" Seth answers, attempting to push past Gavin.

Gavin stays put, making sure no one gets in. He says, "I didn't realize you guys were coming so soon! I need to clean up the house for you before you come in!"

"Since when did you clean?" Seth asks, suspicious.

"SOMEONE GET ME ANOTHER SHOT!" Taylor drunkenly shouts in the back. 

"Was that Taylor?" Trevor questions with a concerned face. He tries again to push past Gavin, but fails.

"Uh, no?" Gavin lies.

"That's it. We're coming in." Seth says. He successfully pushes past Gavin, with the help of Trevor, letting us all through.

"Oh, god." Carson sighs.

Sophia, Claire, and Paige are hysterically laughing in the corner, Sam and Levi are giving each other piggy back rides and yelling battle cries, Alex and Lucas are singing Britney Spears songs together, Asher and Taylor are taking shots together, and Caroline and Vanessa are hopping around on the furniture like the floor is lava. 

Sam notices that we've arrived and hops off Levi, running up to me with open arms and saying, "Baby! I missed you soooooo much!!" He lifts me off the ground and twirls me around, but I can smell the alcohol in his breath. 

"Sweetie, I think you need to go to bed." I tell him softly. 

"Noooo, nooo. I'm fine, I swear. The party's just getting started!" He slurs.

"Gavin, what happened?" Seth asks sternly.

"Uh, well, Sam suggested throwing a party, so we did. It got slightly out of hand, I guess." Gavin nervously explains.

"Slightly? Everyone is drunk out of their minds. I'm surprised you're sober." Parker adds.

"It was a dare from Sophia. She said that if I didn't drink, she'd kiss me." He says.

"Okay, but that doesn't change the fact that we have 11 drunks to take care of." Savannah shakes her head, "Everyone find someone to take care of." She heads towards Levi. I wonder if they're dating yet? Agh, Lily! Don't get off topic! You have a drunk boyfriend to help!

"Babe, come with me, it's time to go to sleep." I say to Sam.

"Noooo, I don't wanna!"

"You have no choice. C'mon, let's go." I drag him to his room.

Trevor's POV (Taurus)

"Taylor, why did you do this to yourself?" I sigh, watching my sister pour herself yet another shot. 

"Ahahah, I don't remember." She hiccups.

I take her shot from her and ask, "Are you blacking out?" 

"Huh?" She says, holding her head. Meanwhile, Audrey rushes to Asher to get him to stop drinking. 

"I said, are you blacking out?"

"I don't know what you mean, haha." 

"I'll take that as a yes." I say, "I'm taking you to your room."

"nO!" She shouts.




"No way, Jose!" 

"Guess we'll have to do this the hard way." I sigh and pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder so that I'm holding her legs and her head is by my back.

As I carry her to her room, she yells, "NO! NO! HELP! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED! STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER! LET ME GOOOOO!" She pounds on my back and kicks her legs. 

Ugh. Why did we have to come home to this? I was having such a fun time before, hanging out with Seth all the time. That was fun. Why do I keep thinking about that? Weird...


"Taylor, shut up." I mutter. 

Carson's POV (Cancer)

"Vanessa, get down from there." I say. Vanessa climbs on the counter, preparing to leap over to a chair.

"The floor is lava!" She exclaims, "I'll die if I come down!"

"Yeah! We're too young to die!" Caroline adds in. 

"How about you two go to bed, huh? Doesn't that sound fun?" I ask.

"No." Caroline states plainly. 

"You can dream about escaping lava?" I suggest.

"OOH, YAY!" Vanessa happily says, jumping down from the counter.

"VANESSA, YOU'RE BURNING!!!!" Caroline yells, still perched on a high chair. 

"OH NO! I HAVE TO RUN!!!!!" Vanessa says, sprinting to her bedroom.

"Now you, Caroline." I say.


"All you have to do is run. I swear you won't burn."

"Hmm... NO!" 

I sigh, "Parker, can you get her?" 

"Yeah, I got her." He says, walking over, "Aren't they a handful?"


short, but kind of a filler. this chapter is basically just the people who went camping taking care of the others. thanks for reading! I got some good stuff coming up next, heheh. 


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