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Camping v. House: Part 1

Parker's POV (Pisces)

"That's it. I'm getting out of here." Seth suddenly stands, determination in his eyes.

"Woah, woah, woah. What do you mean you're getting out of here?" Carson stands, too, quickly blocking Seth's path to the door.

"Relax, man. I just need a day off. Everyone's getting together and it's creeping me out. I need a break." He explains.

"Then we'll come along!" Carson says happily.

"But Valentine's Day is tomorrow! It's the worst time to leave!" I interject.

"If there's any time to leave, it's now. I'm not going to be stuck in a house of candy hearts and chocolate and roses and big stuffed teddy bears. And it's not like you have a valentine." Seth tells me, "Unless you do..."

"I don't." I sigh, "I guess I should go. Where exactly are we going, though?"

"Camping, I suppose. That would be fun." He answers, "Now pack quick so we can get out of here as soon as possible."

We all go off to our rooms to gather some belongings. I grab a backpack from my closet and stuff the first things I could fine inside. I tie my sneakers, flip on a baseball cap, zip my bag, and sling it over my shoulder. When I walk out of the room, I see that the number of people coming had multiplied. The earth guys were there, talking to Carson, who still wasn't ready.

"They're coming?" I ask as I exit my room and walk up to them.

"Why not?" He smiles. He spins around once he hears the sound of Seth opening his bedroom door.

"Who the hell did you invite, Carson? And why aren't you ready?" He asks with a slightly raised tone. Carson scurries off to his room. Seth turns and realizes who his guests are, his face going bright red. 


There's then a light knock on the door. I head over and open it to see the fire and air girls, who let themselves in.

"I hear there's a camping trip. Mind if we come?" Audrey smiles. 

Taylor's POV (Taurus)

"They're leaving? Shouldn't we tag along?" Lucas asks.

"No way. We stay here, and then they leave. Half in, half out. There will be more room for everyone, and we can finally get a break from some people. We've been stuck here a while, you know." Caroline answers.

"But are we sure? What if they want us to come?" questions Paige.

"Seth wanted to leave for alone time. He's not really going to get it with half the house going, but it's better than all of us bothering him." Asher shrugs, "Plus he gets the spend some time with someone in particular."

"Someone in particular? Who?" Alex asks.

"Can't tell you."

"How do you know? I didn't know you two were so close." I say as I raise a brow.

He smiles with confidence and states, "I'm good at finding out secrets. It's a skill of mine, actually." He then realizes I was the one who had proposed the question, and his face shifts to a bright red.

"You sound like Levi." I laugh. Levi smiles widely and poses, placing his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest like he's Superman.

"I guess we're staying. The real question is, what do we do?" Claire says.

"SLIP N' SLIDE!" Gavin yells. He races to a closet and pulls out a huge inflatable slip and slide. He brings it back to the group and continues, "BUT IN THE HOUSE!"

"Isn't that dangerous?" Vanessa hesitates.


"Shh, shh. No need to yell." Sam pats Gavin's shoulder.

Since no one else could come up with any better idea (which is surprising), we decide to do the slip n' slide. We inflate it, fill it with water so that there was a small pool at the bottom, and added some soap to make it slippery.

Everyone changed into their bathing suits and met back in the living room, where the slip n' slide was set up. Sophia plugged her phone into a speaker and began to blast music. Music and floating bubbles surrounded us. Vanessa pulls a pair of goggles over her head before we start.

"What's with the goggles?" Lucas asks. 

"She doesn't want soap to get in her eyes." Caroline answers for her.

"Well, that's part of the fun. But okay, if you really want to be that cautious." Lucas says.

Caroline opens her mouth to speak, but Vanessa stops her and replies, "I don't need them." She pulls them off and tosses them to the side, "I'm going first."

She climbs up to the top of the slide, which wasn't very high to avoid anyone getting hurt, and places a boogie board down. She lays atop of it, her stomach down on the board.

"3, 2, 1-" Gavin counts off before giving a light push to get her moving.

We all cheer as she quickly slides down and happily yells. She lands in the water pit at the bottom and exclaims, "I only got a little bit of soap in my eyes!"

We take turns sliding down, preparing ourselves to brag about how much fun we had to our camping roommates. 

Audrey's POV (Aries)

"God, Cameron, just shove the marshmallow on the stick." I say, half-jokingly.

Alice, of course, defends him, saying, "He's never been camping before."

"Really?" Gabriella gasps.

"Nope." Cameron shakes his head.

"These are so messy." Lily mentions, smushing her s'more together, making goopy marshmallow squeeze out of the sides, "It's almost not even worth it."

"Want me to eat it for you?" Savannah suggests, reaching out for her s'more with a grin.

Lily quickly moves her hand from her reach and rejects the idea by saying, "I said 'almost.'" Savannah laughs in reply and takes a bite out of her own. Seth glances around at the happy campers, but then notices an absence.

"Where's Victor?" He asks.

Trevor scans the group for his fellow Earth sign member, but shrugs and gives Seth a look that says, "I'm not sure. Should we be worried?" Everyone else mentions how they hadn't seen him in a little while.

"I didn't think we'd have to go on a manhunt tonight." Lia comments, sighing and standing up, "Let's split up into 3 groups. One goes that way, one goes that way, and one goes that way." She points to different directions.

"Woah, woah, woah. Splitting up is how people die in the horror movies." Carson interjects.

"This isn't a horror movie. It's not even that dark out." Lia motions to the sky.

"Lia, it's pitch black. The only thing giving us light is the fire and the stars." Parker says.

"Did anyone bring flashlights?" She asks.

"Carson, I told you to pack some." Seth says.

Carson's eyes go wide, and he quickly retrieves his bag and rummages through.

"So maybe I forgot?" Carson chuckles nervously.

"Okay, maybe it is a horror movie."

- hey! sorry it's been so long since I last updated! this started off as a Valentine's Day special but then I forgot about it so idek what it is anymore. anyway, there will be multiple parts to this House v Camp thing so enjoy! love yaaaa!

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