Ch. 21: Duo

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Ch. 21: Duo

I smiled as Alex picked me up and spun me around. "Put me down" I laughed. He complied but left his hands on my waist. "So how's my favorite girl?" he asked. "good" I giggled as he kissed my neck. "Quit it" I giggled. "Never!" he laughed. "Please?" "Okay, How can I say no to that face. "You can't" I laughed. "I know" he shrugged.

We saw a shadow pass by my window. "What was that??" I groaned. "A demon" Alex growled. "OMU!!!" "What???" "Oh my unicorns" I explained. he laughed. "They found us." I grabbed my bow and ran out. I saw the demon and shot it. It hissed in pain.

It wasn't dead though so i dragged it inside. "How many of your kind know where I am" I demanded. "All of us." It groaned in pain. "The War had began and a small army is coming for you as we speak." It continued. The demon groaned once more, then it breathed it's last.

I groaned. "Angela, you ok?" Alex ran up to me. "Yes but they're coming" I sighed as he held me. I shook the depression off and looked at Alex "We need to tell the others" "agreed/

We ran to the field to see the angels...Delaira....Elana...August......AUGUST!?!?! "Don't worry, She knows" Elana smiled."How?" I sighed. "They attacked her." I groaned. August ran up to me. "Angela, isn't Tyler hot?!?!" She shouted. She blushed and cupped her mouth because Tyler heard her. SHe turned to him and he winked. SHe giggled....Another soon to be couple..

And Delaira and Kyle were ...Kissing?!?!! She stopped. "Oh yeah..We forgot to tell you....we're dating." She laughed. We told then about the demons. We gotta be ready to defend ourselves." "how?" "well, we are strong, and plus, Alex and I are the Duo. I winked.

Guardian Angel Series:Forces Beyond Man's Control "Angela's Story"Where stories live. Discover now