Ch. 18: Encounter

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Ch.18: Encounter

I walked around my room, cleaning assorted items off the floor. I felt a breeze go over my skin briefly...As I was about to put my stuff in a basket, a rock flew through my window...What the.....I went over to pick it up. As I drew my fingers gently over it's hard surface, I noticed a piece of paper tied to it. I carefully removed the paper. It read:

Dear Angela,

You may have beaten me in our previous encounters. But trust me, if you fight this battle you will lose...Your precious friends: Elana, August, Your Angel Buddies, and your precious boyfriend will die.....If you wish to prevent this me in the field alone. Do not tell anyone. We will work this out diplomatically.


The High Demon, Luc

I breathed out harshly.....I didn't know if I should go or not....but I didn't want to risk my friend's lives...I grabbed a few weapons, stuffing them in my pocket.

I walked out my door, and headed to the field. I kept walking, then I saw Luc.....I breathed out heavily as I walked toward him. "So can we come to an agreement, demon?" I hissed. "Is that any way to treat a classmate, Angela? Tsk. I thought you were better" he teased.

"Luc, stop sugar coating this and let's get to the point" He nodded. "The answer is quite simple...Just let us take over your pathetic country and crush christianity from this planet, and we will leave you alone." he stated.

"Ha. I hardly see that as a compromise." I growled. "Well, Of course. Once God is wiped from all's Memory. We take over. Therefore, we have no reason to harm you.." he shrugged.

"So you think I'm selfish enough to bring harm to this planet to ensure my own safety?" I gripped my nail file in my pocket tightly. "Not at all. You'd be doing others a justice by not putting them through war." "Who's to say I can't defeat you" I spat back.

"Ha. You are a weak, pathetic human, who had a lucky streak." he taunted. I growled. "I can easily beat you, Luc" I grabbed the file harder. "What is your decision, Human" he said annoyed.

" I will NEVER submit to a Scum, such as you, Luc! God gave me this job, and so help me. I will complete it. I will fight this war! I will not back down! I will finish this and you!" I yelled.

"Bad decision...Girlie.." he said advancing on me. I removed my nail file from my pocket, pointing it at his heart before he reached me. "I can finish you right here, right now if you move another inch." I hissed. "Oh but then you wouldn't get the fight you want.." he smirked.

" We will fight you, Luc and we WILL win." I told him. "We'll see,girlie. We'll see..." he mused. I was about to reply, when he disappeared. I groaned...Stupid demon.

........I sighed.....Something tells me the stakes just got higher.........

Guardian Angel Series:Forces Beyond Man's Control "Angela's Story"Where stories live. Discover now