Ch.1: Chased

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Ch.1: Chased

The year is 2080. Much has changed in America. Government no longer gets consent of the governed..Whatever the Government says goes. Very few now believe in Christianity...The Government has shown us "proof" that angels, demons, and God are just words and are non-existent. Ironically, they haven't shown it... For some reason we just believe them.

Frankly, I don't believe in demons and that stuff. But I often get this weird eerie feeling that I'm being watched... But that's highly unlikely right?...Right...?

My name is Angela Anderson, I'm an eighteen year old Senior at the main high school in Seattle, Washington. I am tall with light skin, multi-tone blonde hair, and blue eyes...This is my story....

I walked through the hallway of my high school to my locker. "'s over.." It had been a long day. I grabbed my stuff, shoved it into my bag, grabbed my bag, and shut my locker. Then I headed out to my car, a 2070 Toyota Camry Solara convertible, they stopped making them in 2008, but they remade them in 2060. They seriously rock!

"Time for" I work at a restaurant across the forest before my house. I put my bag in the backseat, put the car into drive, and headed for work.

Upon arriving, I put on my uniform, it was sorta like a "Steak and Shake" uniform, but looked more like a peppermint was horrid. "Ugh! If and when I become manager, these things will be the first to go." After having a rant in my head, I went to wait my first table. It was a young man in his early twenties. I came up to him and asked for his order.

He smiled in a WAY overly flirty way "Are you on the menu, babe?" I mentally rolled my eyes. "Sir, just order off the actual menu, please." I stated in an overly sweet tone. His face fell, frustrated that his cheesy, semi-perverted pickup line failed. "Cheeseburger" He said.

I left the table to enter his order in the log. After him I served at least 10 other people, more or less, before closing. After my shift was over, I hung up my uniform and changed into my normal clothes.

I walked out of the building to where my car was parked. I took out my keys and pushed the unlock button. Then I hopped into my car, put the keys in and turned them, my engine spluttered. Second try , same response "Really?!?" I thought. I was not happy at all.....

Annoyed, I picked up my iPhone 2000 and said "Call nearest Tow truck" "Calling tow trucks near you" it said. 10 or so minutes later, the truck came and pulled my car off to be fixed. At that moment, my sis, Delaira drove by in her 2080 Black Chevy Impala "Hey girl! Need a ride?" "No, I'm good, I need the exercise" She shrugged and drove off.

Turning toward the dark forest, I began to walk home. The woods are dense and dark here. I heard the rustle of leaves behind me and the wind began to blow harder. A strange chill passed over my skin. The strange "being watched" sense returned.

I began to speed walk, then...then I felt the most unexplainable aura following me. I began to walk faster yet. Feeling it get closer... I began to run...My heart beat began to quicken as I ran past dark trees., which cast looming shadows over the area. My breathing become heavier as I fled.

I was running..running through the woods. Branches began scratching me as I ran , fleeing from something or someone that I could not see or prove it even existed. I felt it evil aura hung near me.. It was chasing me. I dared not to look behind me. I didn't know how long it had been, but by the surroundings, I knew I was lost in the deepest, darkest part of the dense woods. Great.....

Beginning to wonder if this was just my imagination running wild, I stopped and looked around the dense woods, at first nothing abnormal stood out, then I saw it.. A strange dark figure, not that of a man nor an animal. Terrified, I began running again "This can't be happening, they told us..." Thoughts began pouring into my already overwhelmed mind...all I knew is I had to keep running....

I ran over rocks and past trees. It was frankly a miracle I didn't fall because it was soo pitch black dark here. My eyes adjusted to a point where I could see the street lights of my home a couple miles ahead. Overcome with relief, I continued to run, not paying attention to my path.

I kept running and running until...I heard a noise, like that of a bird hitting a windshield, along with a throbbing pain in my head and chest. "Owww."I thought groaning. As I realized I had hit something, I felt something lift me, I opened my eyes to the shock of my life...holding me in his arms was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen.....

Guardian Angel Series:Forces Beyond Man's Control "Angela's Story"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum