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Spring 2019

"Unnie.. You know I have never met someone as faithful as him. It's been five years and he still hangs on to that one-sided crush." The maknae voiced out.

Seulgi sighed deeply as she held the bouquet of flowers she received earlier. She knew who it was from. It wasn't the first time she received gifts and presents. In fact she has gotten a lot. But this particular person, he was different.

If they were from her fans Seulgi would gladly and happily accept them. However, they were all from her admirers. It was a known fact that Seulgi has a lot admirers amongst celebrities; senior and junior idols, singers and even rappers.

At first, Seulgi thought of them as compliments since it was a good thing that she was likeable but as time went by some of them started to pursue her. Of course, Seulgi would politely reject them.

In her fifth year as an idol, Seulgi has not thought of being in a serious relationship because there were many things yet to be achieved and accomplished.

So some would stop as they understood her while some would give her space and promised to return in the future.

Then there was this one who just would not give up. No matter how many times she rejected and explained to him. They were good friends because they shared a lot of common things.

If Seulgi was known to have many celebrity fanboys, this admirer of her was famous for his undying love towards Seulgi. Blame it on him for his failed attempt at being discreet (or he wasn't even trying?).

Seulgi was not sure when it all started but she remembered her group memebers telling her around 4 years ago during one of the award shows that he couldn't keep his eyes of off her. She just casually dismissed that and thought they must have been mistaken.

However, more and more people began to realise. Even the fans started to notice. Sometime when they stood on stage together he would glanced at her direction. At another time, he would only bow to her even when her members were also present. Then he would describe his ideal type closely resembled her.

Even when Seulgi tried to ignore that, her members, friends, seniors and juniors would tease her. Their mutual friends would hook them up.

One day he just started giving her gifts and texted her. It was even worse when they had collaboration stage during year-end festivals. He volunteered to be next to her and others would let him because he was freaking obvious. He even stole glances at her during live broadcast.

Whenever some male idols approached her he would stay close to her. He knew all her fanboys as some of them confessed on tv programs. So he would text her and asked if she liked them too.

Then of course she would tell him that she has no time nor interest to think about those matters just yet. Sometime she even teased him why he was never brave enough to be like her other fanboys. Why he never did what they have done declaring their love towards her on national broadcast. He simply answered that he wanted to protect her.

Of course, over time he stood out compared to her other fanboys. Seulgi wasn't blind to neglect all of his approaches but she was not sure. All her life she has never been in love. How does it feel to be in love? She knew that there were times he just lingered on her mind. When he did not text her, she asked herself why. When he did not give her gifts she wondered if he finally stopped liking her. Then he would come out of no where and Seulgi felt happy and glad that he was still there.

Then one day, something unexpected happened. It was unusual because her phones kept on beeping from calls and texts notifications. Her heart nearly dropped when she found out through her members in their chatroom.

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