Hello (Part 2)

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-Continuation of previous chapter. This is gonna be long O_O and image-heavy =/


Seeing Park Jimin, her estranged best friend, again after six years stimulated a feeling she couldn't describe. Furthermore, if that best friend was someone whom she especially dedicated a special place in her heart in which for the past six years has been securely buried deep down... Seulgi couldn't even begin to explain what she was feeling.

But she was sure at their first meeting that she discovered how much she has missed him, his beautiful smile, his voice, his adorable squinted eyes whenever he was laughing... To sum it up, she has missed everything about him.

Then it dawn on her that the current Park Jimin was not only just a long-lost best friend. That was all in the past now. So what was she doing accepting a lunch offer from her student's father? She must be crazy.

"Appa, I want to eat Toreore chicken!" Daeul happily announced.

"Okay, baby. Let's go." He answered in his excited gentle voice that Seulgi was mentally cursing herself for swooning over it. "Are you okay with Toreore?" He turned to her.

"Oh..yeah." She softly replied.

"Teacher, do you like chicken?" Daeul suddenly asked her still in her joyful mood.

She smiled at the young kid. "Of course, Who doesn't like chicken, my dear."

"My mommy doesn't. Appa please don't tell mommy." The little one's answer automatically made her realized something. Why on earth was she here with the two? A guilt sprung as she was battling with her mind. Was she doing the right thing? Jimin was her best friend.. so that should be fine.. right?

"WAIT!" She subconsciously yelled. "I- I need to go somewhere. I don't think I can join you two. I totally forgot about it." She awkwardly laughed and prepared to leave without waiting for answer. However, she stopped when she felt her hand being grabbed. "What.. Park Ji-"

"You.." He stared at her eyes. "haven't change at all.." She could feel a brief tension before he chuckled. She wasn't sure what he meant by those but what's more important was how he held into her tightly at the moment. "Kang Seulgi, I don't allow you to leave..." And Seulgi swore she heard him said albeit so softly "Not again."

Eh? What's going on here. The situation was kind of confusing to her slow mind.

"Do you want to make Daeul sad?"

Oh. Of course, it should be about Daeul.

She glanced towards the kid who was frowning and giving her the puppy eyes. She gently etched a smile. "Okay. Daeul-ah.. let's go."

So she let go of her hand from Jimin's grasp and took Daeul's small hand instead and walked ahead leaving Jimin behind.


Seeing Kang Seulgi again after such a long time made him so happy. To him Seulgi was the colour to his days during their childhood. For the past six years, he was always trying to keep that colour. He was a simple guy. With Seulgi it was always fun and without her his life was dull. So now that Seulgi has returned he was determined to make her stay and not leave his side anymore.

It made his heart fluttered watching Seulgi and Daeul interacted with one another. He wanted to keep seeing that. He loved seeing her interacting with kids. Without knowing, he was beaming to himself. Park Jimin, have you gone mad?

"Hey- wait for me." He shouted as he jogged after Seulgi and Daeul.

People watching must have thought that they were a young family of three because they definitely gave off that image.

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