Chapter Twenty Seven

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I kinda just realized I skipped chapter 26, my bad -----4/15/17

Keira West

Sadie stares at all of us. She gives us a once over before walking over to Sarah and engulfing her into a hug.

"Sadie, where have you been all this time?"  Sarah asks, pulling away from their hug. 

"Adventuring."  She says, a genuine smile on her face. 

"And the drugs and alcohol...?" Sarah asks concernedly. 

"All good.  Although I did have a little today, but I won't count that."  She says sheepishly. 

"I'm proud of you.  Can you come back home now?" Sarah asks her.

"I will, but I won't be happy there.  I've met so many people who understand me." She says.

"But if you're so happy, why did you kill everyone?" Sarah asks timidly.

"I don't know why," Sadie responds, distressed. "Probably because I'm a psycho crazy girl."

"Sadie, you need to come with us. You need help." Sarah pleads.

"I'm fine." Sadie assures her sister.

"You murdered several people! You can't hurt anyone else!" Sarah shrieks. Sadie flinches a little at her tone but shakes it off.

"I'm going to go to jail." She mumbles.

"No, you're going to go and get help. The judges will understand." Sarah says, trying to convince her.

"Listen, I get it. I'm crazy. But at least I'm happy. I won't kill anyone else!" Sadie exclaims.

"You're dangerous to everyone, especially yourself. And what about our family? They think that you're dead." Sarah tells her.

Sadie looks torn between her two choices.

"Fine, I'll go with you guys." She says bitterly.

We head back to the house, which is now populated with police.

"It's Sadie Rowan, the suspected killer!" One of them calls out, pointing to us with Sadie.

"It's okay, they'll understand." I assure her.

"Please, send her to alcohol and drug rehabilitation." Sarah says to a policeman. He nods and does a small salute.

"Do you mind if I stay here?" Sarah asks.

"Go ahead, stay with your sister." Summer says cheerily.

The rest of us walk back to the car. I take one last look at the house.

It feels weird, knowing that just a mere few days ago I was in there, fighting for my life.

But now that I think about it, this could've happened to anyone. I guess I'm considered lucky that the people closest to me survived.

Once we arrive back at our small village, we decided to go out to dinner to celebrate us helping to solve the case.

I look around at my friends and boyfriend, who are all happily talking with each other. I'm happy that they survived. I'm happy that I'm with Alex.

And strangely enough, I'm happy this whole thing happened. I probably never would've spoken to these people if it wasn't for this trip.

After our meal, two kids walk up to us. They look like they're middle schoolers.

"You guys all survived that murderer!" One of the girl says, her curly brown hair bouncing up on her shoulders.

"That's so cool! I wish I was there." A tall, ginger says, her hair in a pixie cut.

"Trust me, you're lucky you weren't there." Ashton tells the girls.

They shrug and walk off, probably taking our word for it.

"Maybe we should just write a book. Then no one would ask." Carter jokes and we all laugh around the table.

My phone buzzes and I notice that I've gotten a text from Sarah. How'd she get my number anyway?

Sadie was charged guilty, but instead of jail she's getting treatment. Thanks to all of you.

I smile at my phone and show everyone my texts. Sarah found Sadie. Everyone is happy.

Maybe this trip wasn't so bad after all.


Thank you guys for sticking with this story ❤️

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