Chapter Twenty Two

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Keira West

Alex was in love with me. Yet, he didn't want me to know. And I found out anyway.

I don't know what to do.  I felt horrible.  I didn't want to take advantage of his state, and then he just blurted it out. 

Should I just pretend it didn't happen and wait for him to tell me when he's ready?

But he did recognize me at first, maybe he knew it was me. 

I groan in frustration and lean back on the hard hospital bed.  When can I get out of this stupid place?

"Ms. West, you can released now."  The doctor says, walking into the room.

"Yay!" I say, excitedly. 

"But, there are some things you should know."  He says, halting me from doing anything else.

"Yeah?"  I ask him.

"You lost a lot of blood.  We checked out your arm and that tourniquet saved your life.  And getting all of those drugs out of your body was also difficult and you lost some blood there.  Take it easy for a few days."  He explains.

I nod and he gives me a small smile before walking out. I sigh and grab my clothes before walking into the bathroom and changing.

Once I'm finished, I decide to visit Alex and see how he's doing. I go over to 38G and find Alex, Ashton, Summer and Carter all in there together. 

"Alex is much more sober now and can actually converse with others without sounding like he's drunk."  Ashton tells me bluntly.

"That's great."  I say, casting a nervous glance at Alex.  Should I tell him what he said?

"Hey, Keira. How're you feeling?" Alex asks.

"I should be asking you that. But I'm good, how are you?" I ask. He laughs.

"I'm doing okay." He says. "I'm supposed to be released tomorrow morning." He adds.

I nod. "That seems okay. Have the police contacted your parents yet?" I ask.

"Yeah. They were crazy. So were my siblings." He says, exhaling. "But I guess they had every right to be crazy."

"You have siblings?" I ask. He's never mentioned any of them before.

"I have 5. It's like the Weasley household." He says lightheartedly. I giggle along with him.

"I wonder how the family's of the dead people reacted." I think out loud.

"They're all pretty upset." Alex says solemnly. I nod, biting my lip. Great job, Keira, bringing up the mood.

Ashton's phone starts ringing and he excuses himself, leaving me, Alex, Summer and Carter.

"So," I ask. "How are you guys doing?" I ask.

Summer shrugs. "I still can't believe that it was Sarah. She seemed so nice and genuinely frightened of the killer."

I frown and nod also. "What about you, Carter?"

"Well, I know I shouldn't be happy at this time, but, Summer does make a nice girlfriend." He says.

"Aww, you guys are so cute together!" I exclaim. The player finally got a steady girlfriend.

"Thanks." Summer says, blushing. "Maybe this whole thing ended up being good." She concludes. The rest of us murmur in agreement.

Ashton walks in, looking distressed.  His phone is still up to his ear.

"Yes, thank you, okay, bye."  He mumbles, hanging out.  He runs his hand through his hair nervously.

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

He shakes his head.  "It's nothing.  I swear."  I frown at him.  He's lying.

"Ashton-" I begin. 

"Okay, fine I'll tell you."  He snaps.  I take a step back in surprise.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that."  He says hastily.  I nod for him to continue.

"The reason I'm stressed out, is well, because-" He begins but stops.  He takes a deep breath and starts again.

"Sarah's been proven innocent."


But how can we explain the girl who looked exactly like Sarah ;)



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