Chapter Six

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Keira West

"I'm hungry." Hailey says. Her stomach growls, confirming her mood.  I roll my eyes, but I slightly agree with her.  I'm hungry, but is now really a good time to announce it? There are people dying and she's worrying about hunger. 

"We have enough food in the kitchen; let's get something to eat." Ashton says. He leads the way to the kitchen, "accidentally" brushing my arm. I bite my lip to hide my smile.  He's so cute.  I mentally scold myself for thinking that.  No boys until we're out of here!

The rest of us head to the kitchen and there's a lot of food that we can't eat because the power's out. I take out a bag of chips and vegetables. Hands grab from everywhere, trying to eat the food.

I grab a piece of celery and nibble it. All these killings have diminished my appetite. What would Emily and Lizzy be doing right now if they were alive? 

"What are you thinking about?" Alex asks, startling me and pulling me out of my thoughts, and almost making me drop my celery.

"Emily and Lizzy." I respond honestly. Alex nods.

"What would they be thinking right now?" I ask to myself and Alex.

"I'm not sure. But we're not letting anyone else die." He tells me.

"Okay." I agree, praying that he was right.

"Who do you think it is?" I wonder aloud.

"We don't have enough evidence against anyone."  Alex informs me.  "I don't want to cause any trouble by accusing someone."

I nod calmly. 

"Damnit, we ran out of batteries.  Can you get some for me?"  Alex asks.

"Yeah, I'll head down to the basement." I say.

"Take Ashton with you.  Carter is in the bathroom by the way."  Alex says.

I nod.  Alex calls Ashton over and he agrees. 

I open the door to the basement.  "This is freaky." I say.  I step down the stairs, making a creaking sound.

Ashton follows shortly behind me and turns on his flashlight. 

"Where are the batteries?" I mutter.  After a solid minute of rummaging around, I found them.  I grab them.

"Keira!" Ashton says, shining his flashlight on a silhouette.  I can't tell if it's a girl or boy. 

I dodge the figure but they grab my arm and stab me with a sharp object, probably a knife.  I ignore the unbearable pain and run up the stairs with Ashton. 

"Shit, you're hurt." He says.  He takes a towel from the main room, the place where we're now, and wraps it around my arm.

I was starting to feel dizzy from the blood loss, so I'm relieved that my wound was covered.

"Let's go.  I think Carter is studying to be a doctor. He should know some stuff." Ashton says.

"Did you guys get the batteries?" Alex asks as we walk in.

"Holy- what happened to your arm?" He asks.

"She got stabbed by the killer! Where's Carter?" Ashton says.

"Over here. What happened?" He asks, walking in from the bathroom.

"I got stabbed." I say.  I wince as he applies pressure to it to heal it.

"Did you see who did it?"

"Some person in all black. Their face was covered. I can't identify the gender." I say.

Evan walks up to me. "Told you the killer goes after girls." He says. I reach my arm up to slap him, but Carter restrains me.

"Don't hurt your arm anymore. And Evan; shut up and walk away." Carter instructs.

Evan sighs and sits down next to me. "Sorry, Keira. I'm sure the killer doesn't go after just girls." He says.

It's cute that he's forcing himself to apologize for me.

Summer walks over to me. "I heard about your arm, I'm so sorry!" She says.

Wait a second. Summer's family has enough money to buy the state of Maine. Why is she on vacation with us?

"Summer, why are you on vacation with us?" I ask.

She blinks. "What?"

"You have enough money to buy a hotel in the state. Why are you here on a cheap vacation?"

She sighs. "Keira, sometimes I wish you weren't as curious as you are. Do you really want to know?"

I nod.

She takes a deep breath. "Okay, I'll tell you."


No one reads this anyway so.....

THANK YOU FOR 9 READS!! It's a good start!!

I've gotten so much more development in the plot, and I've chosen who the killer(s) will be!

QotC: Do you trust Summer?

Try Not to Die Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora