Chapter Eighteen

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Keira West

"You're joking, right?" I ask cautiously.  She shakes her head solemnly.

"I wish I was."  She says remorsefully.  She looks down at her hands.

"But you said your ex-boyfriend was handsome."  I say, immediately clasping my hand over my mouth after I said that. 

She chuckles light heartedly.  I turn crimson red from my last quote.  That was an obvious mistake on my part.

"I'm afraid that Colton was to me, Keira."  She says, ending the conversation by walking away.

I swear I hear her whisper "I forgive you," to the ceiling.

I walk over to Alex, whose face is filled with paranoia. He's holding a paper in his hand.

"What is it?" I asked, worriedly. He hands me the paper, frowning.

You're next. xoxo.

"Where did you find this?" I say.

"On the table. I don't know who it's directed for." He says.

"They're a lefty. I can tell by the smudges. We need to match the handwriting. We have to find an excuse to test everyone." I say.

"But we already know the killer is Sarah."

"I'm looking for a possible accomplice, Alex." I say, as if it was obvious. He nods, taking my joke.

I rip off a piece of paper from a book nearby. You know all those blank pages at the end of a book? I ripped off that.

"We're writing a letter to the killer. Give a message." I tell Carter. He takes it in his right hand and scribbles a message.

Fuck off.

I stifle a laugh at his response and he gives me a cheeky smile. His handwriting is much messier than the killer's, whose handwriting was a neat cursive.

"We're sending a letter to the killer, write a message." I tell Summer.

"Why?" She asks.

"To express our feelings."  I say lamely.  She takes it and grabs the pen from her left hand.

She writes, but her handwriting is too bubbly.  She dotted her I's with hearts and swirled her S's and G's.


"We're sending a letter to the killer, write a message."  I repeat myself to Sarah. 

"I don't like the idea of this."  She says, but grabs the pen with her right hand.

So she does have an accomplice. 

Dear Mr. killer sir,

Please don't kill me!!!!!!! :) <3

"Thanks." I say awkwardly, skimming her notes.  I make my way over to Cameron, the last one left.  It has to be him.

"Hey, do you mind signing a note to the killer?" I ask him.  He turns around and looks at me, startled.

"You've never shown any interest in me before, Keira.  Why now?" He asks accusingly.

"I'm curious."  I say, shrugging. 

"Keira.  Curiosity killed the cat.  I'm just saying, any irrational decisions can get you killed."  He says. 

"Okay, I'll take that into consideration.  Thanks."  I say, trying to sound as polite as I can.  "Can you write now?"  I ask.

"Sure thing, babe."  He says flirtatiously.  He scribbles something across the page.

I roll my eyes at his player-like qualities.  Maybe he should be friends with Carter. 

I snatch the paper back once he's finished.

"Oh, Cameron? You have no control over me."  I say, trying to sound intimidating.

He smirks.  "I have more than you think."

I turn on my heel and I walk to Ashton and Alex.  They look at me hopefully.

"How'd it go?" They ask. 

"No matches.  Wait! I haven't looked at Cameron's."  I say quickly. 

I pull out both pieces of paper and gasp at what I see.  I double check to confirm that I'm correct.  And I am.

It's a perfect match.


thank you for getting me to #172!!

QotC: Do you think Cameron did it?

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QotC: Do you think Cameron did it?

I wonder how many of you would kill me if I killed off one of the twins next chapter ;)

Try Not to Die Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora