Chapter One

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This chapter is more like a second summary/prologue. I realized that when editing. Feel free to read or skip to the next chapter. Leave a vote if you can!

Edited:  4/17/17

Keira West

It all started when he said the Seniors were going to Maine.  A trip that's out of state and an hour away.  It's a nice idea for the end of the year trip, a small getaway with your peers.  The original plan was to have students divided into groups and we'd each have our own small lodge to do that.  But, there was a lot of us.

120 students in Maine? Unlike the the one, it was not a very smart idea.  But that's Principal Martin for you.  He is what you can call overdramatic.  I think everyone would've been fine with a simple picnic outside or eating at a restaurant.  But, no.  We had to go to Maine!

He said that we need to 'learn from our experiences.'  What does that even mean anyway?  But, he said it after he said a certain little thing.  Apparently, a drastic change had happened. 

The school doesn't have enough funds to spend on chaperones.  Of course they don't.  They have enough money to spend on their precious little salaries and they have enough money to pay for the top notch laptops for the school, but they can't pay a few teachers to give up their time and watch us.  Honestly, I don't blame them either.  Who'd want to spend their first days of Summer watching 120 teenagers?

Well, do you know what that means?  parents don't want their dearest kids in Maine alone.  Obviously parents are nervous that their kids are going to do something stupid.  I don't blame they, they probably would do something stupid.  But there are some parents who don't know about this trip, who don't care or who welcome the experience.  That's us.

There's 13 of us going.  13 is a common 'unlucky' number, but it's actually one of my favorite numbers.  Probably because I enjoy going against the crowd.  It's different and I like it.  I like being different.

Anyway, 13 out of 120.  About 10% of our grade. Not a lot at all.  I was actually expecting less students to go.  My school is a public school, but it's on the higher class side of town.  A lot of parents have a lot of money there and they need their precious children at home.  They don't trust us.

The group of kids going aren't exactly the closest of friends either.  Out of the 13 people attending this trip, I've only spoken to one of them.  And we're just acquaintances, definitely not friends.  But then again, I don't speak to a lot of people.

Going on the trip, there was me of course. I keep to myself and don't have many friends. Actually none to be exact. I tend to observe people more than interact with them.  I like watching people, though.  It's better than talking to others.

The Ryder twins are going to Maine too. Ashton is the "bad boy" of the school. But I've watched him before. He steps over ants instead of on them. One fist fight in middle school has forever ruined his reputation.  He has a tough exterior, but I'm sure underneath is false toughness is a nice inside.

I haven't figured out Alex yet. He's like me though, he keeps to himself. He looks exactly like Ashton, also.  Chocolate brown hair, amber eyes, and extremely hot.  What? I'm allowed to call people good looking when they are.

Next is Lizzy Gold, the airhead of the school. She doesn't play dumb either; she's genuinely an idiot.  She's friends with Emily Parkington, Hailey Grey and Sarah Rowan.  And they all just happen to be going on this trip.

Contrary to Lizzy,  Emily Parkington is a genius.  She has an almost perfect GPA.  But unlike being a shy nerd, she's pretty bubbly.  She's also nice to everyone, which is definitely an admirable feature about her.

Hailey Grey is the queen of the school. She drowns in popularity.  She has long blonde hair and big blue eyes.  She's gorgeous.  Her sidekick, Sarah Rowan, is a close follow.  Sarah Rowan is also pretty.  She has blonde hair and hazel eyes.  They both rule the school.

Colton Argo is a complete jock. He plays every sport known to mankind and he does it well. I've never really spoken to him, but he's popular.  Not to mention, he is pretty cute.  I wouldn't be interested him, but he is good looking.

What? Anyway! After that is Carter Roberts.  He doesn't play sports.  He plays girls.  He's the school 'player.'  I don't understand why he has to do that, girls deserved to be treated so much better than the way he does that.  He is the king of one night stands.

Evan Larange is the jokester of the grade. I've been in some classes with him and he is hilarious. He's also pretty popular too.  He's nice, from what I can tell.  God also blessed him in the looks department.  Now that I think about it, all the guys on the trip look like demigods.

Cameron Pepper is a suck up.  That's all I know about him.  He's always bribing the teachers with presents and acting all angelic.  I've noticed that about him. I've also noticed that he used to be desperately in love with Sarah's sister.  I feel bad knowing that he can't love her anymore.

Summer Sinclair is the richest girl in the school. She doesn't even try to hide it. She always has the designer outfits and accessories. I've spoken to her once or twice, but we're nothing more than acquaintances at the most.  She's actually nice.  She's also really pretty.

And finally, Dylan Thompson. He's mysterious. I know that he can hack though. I saw him shut down the servers from his school computer. He did it in Latin because he thought no one could read it. I'm fluent in Latin. I haven't told anyone about it.  Sometimes I wonder how he learned how to do all of that hacking.

Welcome to the Seniors' trip to Maine.

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