Chapter 20

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Guess what it's FRIDAY!!!

Gajeel's POV
"Why are we watching this?" I asked.

"Because you don't want to read the books and I want you to know what I'm talking about when I start ranting about Harry Potter." Levy huffed and turned back to the movie.

Levy had forced me, or as she put it suggested that we watch the Harry Potter movies. I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about it.

I glanced over at Levy, she had her eyes glued to the screen as if she hadn't seen this movie 7 times before. I tried to pay attention to the movie but Levy sitting next to me, looking all cute, was distracting.

Suddenly an idea crossed my mind and I smirked grabbing her waist, she shrieked and I pulled her into my lap draping my arms over her. She snuggled into me.

I kept on watching, something about a three headed dog named fluffy; who the hell comes up with this stuff?

But my attention kept on being drawn back to Levy. How the tips of her hair had a faint white glow because of the light from the lacrima tv, her legs had nestled in the crooks of mine, her head against my chest her hands resting on top of mine.

"You'd better be paying attention." Levy said looking up at me. "I am." I protested.

"Good because I'm gonna quiz you on it after the movie is over." She said and I groaned and snuggled my face into her hair.

She giggled and she turned around so that she was facing me. I leaned in pulling her into a deep kiss. "Will you two quit being all lovey dovey." Panther Lily said we both jolted apart. I forgot he was there, and apparently so did Levy by the look on her face.

"Oh don't mind me." Lily said sarcastically. "I'm just a cat."

"Aww come here Lily." Levy said and picked him up setting him on her lap. She scratched him behind the ear and he made a purring sound, then when Levy wasn't looking he turned to give me a devilish look, I glared at him.

"Pay attention." She snapped. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I mumbled about shrimp hogging cats and turned back towards the screen.

After a while I felt my back rest more against the couch and my chin was propped up on my elbow. My eye lids stared feeling heavy. I yawned. "Don't you dare fall asleep." Levy warned me.

"I'm not gonna fall asleep." I yawned. "Uh huh." Levy said in a disbelieving tone.

She set Panther Lily down and turned laying her head on my lap. "Oh so your allowed to fall asleep but I'm not." I deadpanned.

"That's right." Levy said and I could almost sense that she was grinning.

"Besides I've seen this move like 3 times." "I thought you said you've seen it 7 times." I said.

"No I've read the books seven times, I've only seen the movie 3 other times." She corrected. "Oh sorry." I said sarcastically.

"Don't be a smart ass." She mumbled then conked right out. I gaped at her, what kind of a goodnight was that?

Mira's POV
We went back to the guild the next day and saw that Levy and Gajeel where already back. They where sitting at a table talking to Wendy.

I polished my glass mindlessly, my eyes glued to them, I wasn't gonna miss a moment.

"If you rub that glass anymore it's gonna catch on fire." Laxus said from the other side of the counter. "Oh whoops I didn't notice." I said and set it down picking up the next one.

"Yeah because you where to busy watching Levy and Gajeel like a hawk." He said.

I laughed. "You caught me."

"Your more excited about your "ships" getting together then you are about being with me." Laxus accused. We didn't have to worry about people over hearing us with how rowdy it is.

"Th-that is not true." I protested crossing my arms over my chest.

"Crinkle." Laxus pointed out. "Damn it!" I yelled slamming my hands on the bar surface and Laxus chuckled. A few people turned around to look at us but eventually went back to what they where doing before.

"But jut so you know, I'm happy to be with you now 'cause of dragon season, but my other ships getting together is just a benefit." I said.

"Uh huh." Laxus said in a disbelieving tone.

We both looked at each other and I eyed the little doorway that led into the supply room. Laxus followed my gaze and smirked. But I didn't want to risk the chance of being caught.

"You know, I think it's about time I headed home." I said but glanced at Laxus out of the corner of my eye.

He nodded solemly. "A little while after you go I think I'll take my leave as well." He said, thinking the same thing as me.

He placed his hand on the counter and when he moved it away there was a shiny silver key ring with a single gold key.

I glanced around to make sure no one was looking and took the key slipping it into my bodice. (God I feel like I'm writing a spy fanfic now)

"Gosh I'm tired." I yawned loudly stretching out my arms. I gathered up my stuff and headed out.

I walked down the street towards Laxus' apartment. I just hoped no one else was inside.

I reached the door and took out the key he had given me. This sure was a step forwards.

Then there was a zap sound and Laxus appeared besides me, a little lightning still lingering on his arms.

"I'll make sure the coast is clear." He said and zapped inside. A few seconds later he opened the door. "We're all clear." He said.

I entered and hopped onto the kitchen counter setting my stuff down besides me. "Are we gonna tell everyone?" I asked.

"Eventually, but you said you wanted to keep the whole dragon season thing under wraps then we need to be careful. If all the dragon slayers suddenly get together with someone, it will look a little suspicious." Laxus said.

"Your right." I agreed happily, to be honest the whole secrecy thing kinda gave me a rush.

"Thanks for the key." I said. He grunted.

"You can drop by anytime. But I can't guarantee we'll be alone, the others kinda drop by without warning, they might even show up right now." He said.

"Then we'll just have to lock the door." I said and Laxus walked over to the door. I bit my lip as it clicked when he twisted the lock.

We both looked at the other for a while and then I was being pushed up against the wall lips locked with his, our hands pulling at the other's clothes.
Boom!!! Thanks for reading! I'm wrapping up my fairy tail dragon season story so make sure to get your guesses in on who you think the Sabertooth ship is going to be! No one has guessed it right yet but if you hurry you might be able to get in your guess in time and maybe you'll get it right. To guess just comment on any of the chapters who you think will win!
Btw make sure to check out my tumblr: #thatnerdyduck

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