Chapter 4

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I plan on posting a chapter every Friday. I almost forgot sorry I posted so late! 😖 thanks for reading so far and I plan on continuing the story till its completed and maybe even writing other fairy tail stories. I'm obsessed. Now back to the story
Lucy's POV
It had been 3 days with no sign of Natsu or the others. This whole dragon season thing had really made me antsy and I could tell the guild was starting to notice too.

I tried to make things seem normal and even decided to go on a job.

It was simple enough I just had to chase away some monsters that were eating the areas crops and it was in the forest just outside of magnolia so it was close to the guild too.

This would be enough to pay off my rent for this month since I was going on it alone and I didn't have to split the reward.

I'd chased most of them off already but I was checking the forest for stragglers.

I went through the forest my whip at the ready and my other hand drifting towards my keys. Then I heard a sound and whirled around my whip slicing through the air.

"Woah careful Luce you nearly hit me." Natsu said appearing in the my view.

Oh god.

I backed away nervously, he sounded like himself but I needed to keep my guard up, something was off, his instincts must've taken control. He came towards me and I backed away until I ran into a tree.

I tried to slip past it but Natsu had pinned me his arm above my head a playful smirk on his lips. He sniffed me.

"You smell good." He purred. "Um thanks." I stammered pressing back against the tree.

Now he really didn't sound like himself.

He studied me looking into my eyes which made me kinda nervous. Then his hand moved to wrap around my waist. He picked me up bridal style and gave me a seductive smile.

Then I snapped to my senses remembering my keys. I grabbed one. "Open Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" I yelled and their was a flash of light and now Virgo was holding me. "Do you want me to punish him princess?" She asked putting me down.

"Oh I forgot about your spirits. Smart girl. I will be coming for you." He said knowing I'd use Virgo to escape.

I knew I didn't stand a chance against Natsu in a fight and I didn't want to fight him anyways.

"Uh just dig a tunnel and get me outta here!" I said and She grabbed me and dug a tunnel popping up in a different part of the forest.

"Are you finished with my services Princess?" She asked. "Yes but Umm Virgo don't tell anyone about this." I said. "Not even big brother?" She asked referring to Loke. "Especially not big brother." I said and Virgo disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Oh god just thinking about Loke in the situation stressed me out even more. But the prospect of being Natsu's mate? That terrified me.

We were best friends and I had never really thought about it past that. He had really matured since then. Well matured as much as Natsu could mature.

But him as a mate.

That sent shivers down my spine.

Well I'd finished my job already so I just collect my reward and head home. But his words "I will be coming for you." Echoed through my mind.

Erik's (Cobra) POV
I clutched my head and mumbled a curse. My head was pounding, I've never gotten a headache this bad before, it felt like I was at war with myself.

Images of her kept on flashing into my mind.

Part of me wanted to go to her but the other part wanted to stay away, not wanting to scare her. I need to be with my mate to keep her safe and make her mine. What was that!! What the hell is wrong with me?!

"You okay?" Jellal asked. "No all you people's annoying thoughts are giving me a headache." I snapped, but that couldn't be more of a lie, right now I couldn't hear anyone's thoughts over my pounding head.

"We aren't asking you to listen in on our thoughts." Angel retorted. I just growled in reply, I didn't feel like arguing with her right now.

"Anything we can do to help?" Meredy asked concerned. "Just give me some space." I growled. They all reluctantly left, I didn't need to hear their thoughts to know they were worried about me.

I rubbed my head, I needed to me with my mate... I mean Kinana. Ugh. What am I thinking??

Then a wind blew through our forest camp and I smelled it, it was her scent, Kinana's scent. My head snapped up as I sniffed the air again.

We were in a forest on the outskirts of town that was near magnolia so that's why I could smell her, but the scent was faint. But that was all it took to make me go over the edge, I stood up and followed the scent walking with a purpose.

"Cobra where are you going?" Racer asked stepping in front of me but I whirled out my arm slamming him in the chest sending him flying.

"Racer!" Meredy exclaimed.

"Cobra what are you doing!" Angel yelled but I ignored her and kept on walking dead set on going to Kinana the desire overwhelming everything else.

Then Jellal stepped in front of me and I growled in annoyance, "Sound
palm!" I said sending him blasting back into a tree but he got up. "Meteor!" Jellal said and he glowed with a yellow light and charged at me.

"Poison dragon's twin fang!" I yelled and poison in the shape of fangs rushed at Jellal but then Midnight stepped in front of him deflecting my attack, the commotion of the battle must've woken him up.

"Cobra why are you doing this?" He asked. He was right, I shouldn't be attacking them, my only friends. I clutched my head in agony as I went to war in my own mind again, I wanted to go to her, but I didn't want to hurt them.

What if I hurt her?

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