The captain made a beeline for Jazz and leant down, muttering in the prince's ear.

Kazimir's hearing instantly perked and he lowered his eyes as he listened.

"She's back. The ship docked half an hour ago, she'll be here any minute," Cole whispered.

"Where's Dalton?"

"He's gone to greet her in the entrance hall."

"Damn. Let's go." Jazz quickly stood up and kissed Princess Cynthia's cheek. "Sorry, love, I'll be back soon," he said, smiling brightly before hurrying out with Cole.

Kazimir and Aeralie looked at Cynthia and she calmly took a bishop from the board, her gentle smile unreadable.

Kazimir watched her for a moment, then settled his cheek on his knuckles as she explained a move to Aeralie.

Hell, this girl was so hard to read when she wanted to be. Another thing he had to begrudgingly respect her for.

She reminded him of Aeralie when Aeralie was actually working and not causing him trouble and being a general wayward nuisance. A sight that was few and far between when he thought about it.

He glanced at Aeralie as she made a gesture to Cynthia then gave Cynthia a moment to try and translate it. After a moment, she smiled, defeated.

"Something about tonight?"

"Will Prince Dalton be joining us tonight?" Kazimir said. "Maybe for a drink or game of cards, she worried because she hasn't seen him in a few days."

"Ah, I'm not sure I'm afraid," Cynthia said, "Perhaps; we'll have to see."

"So," Kazimir said slowly as he flipped to the next page of his book. "Someone's returned."

"The Queen; Queen Elaina," Cynthia said. The other two looked up. "We expected her back tomorrow but the sea winds must have been favourable. You'll meet her soon I'm sure."

Aeralie made a gesture and Kazimir translated, "What's she like?"

Cynthia smiled. "I don't know," she said honestly, "I've never met her. Unlike Jazz, I don't know this family well. This trip is only the third time I've ever met Dalton, the first time was for barely a minute at a ball and the second was briefly at my wedding. I've never met the rest of the family. All I've ever heard is that the queen is very striking in appearance but you'll see her soon enough."

A knock at the door made them look around as a servant looked in.

"Sorry, Your Highness, you've been requested to appear before The Queen, she wishes to meet you," he said.

"Of course," Cynthia said, straightening up and smoothing her clothes. She smiled at the other two. "We'll be back shortly," she promised and swept out.

She left and Kazimir and Aeralie were left alone in silence, listening to the footsteps fade away and none approach, leaving them forgotten in a corner of the palace for a time.

Aeralie rapidly tapped on Kazimir's hand.

"Kaz... Kaz!" she said, shaking his arm to get his attention.

Kazimir sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine," he snapped, "But only to look."

The pair quickly left the lounge and sped through the palace, Kazimir following Aeralie. He was glad to see that, while he'd kept to his room for a few days with a 'fever', she had gone and memorised a large portion of the palace.

They passed the balcony that looked down on the entrance hall but the hall was now empty.

"Where do you think they went?" Aeralie asked.

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